Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Bill DeShawn, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    I'm having some trouble being able to extract attribute values from
    blocks that were either pasted in, or inserted with MEASURE or
    DIVIDE. Why is that? Is this normal? Is there a setting I've missed
    to be able to do that when I insert them or when I invoke the ATTEXT

    Bill DeShawn
    Bill DeShawn, Mar 20, 2008
  2. Bill DeShawn

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    I've heard from others on this problem and it appears that the
    attributes don't come with the block in MEASURE and DIVIDE. Also,
    sometimes pasting the blocks causes you to lose the ability to extract
    data. It's been this way forever and Autodesk never fixes it. Well
    they probably will now, because I have a fix. It's one of the few
    routines on my site that is NOT free. But it's worth every penny of
    the price. It works on everything that I can think of that you would
    want to measure or divide: lines, polylines, splines, arcs and
    circles. No more need to put hundreds of blocks in your drawings one-
    by-one. It would be an excellent ool for landscape architects who
    spread shrubs or sprinklers in an equidistant pattern. Also could be
    helpful for fire sprinkler design, or interior/exterior lighting
    patterns. Designing circuit boards with AutoCAD and need to spread
    out some inline l.e.d.'s or filter caps (Hey, anything is possible) ?

    Check out my website, scroll down to the part about ATTEXT users and
    click on the link provided.

    Bill DeShawn
    Bill DeShawn, Mar 20, 2008
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