been working on this with little to no luck. here is what i am trying to do: i have an equipment drawing with attributes related to each. right now i use the command attext and go through this way and then manually put into excel and edit out the duplicates of equipment. what i would like is a routine that does the extraction and counts the duplicate blocks. so what i get in the end result is a text file that has them counted already so when i open in excel it already has say, 3 EE-01 (eq. #) then the following attributed information. basically what iam looking to do is create an equipment schedule in excel right now i have it working very well with the attext command, but it just takes a bit and about a dozen commands later. iam just looking for a way to automate most of it. here are the steps that i follow now to get my result. anybody has any ideas on how to shorten and speed up the process i am all ears. 1. attext - choose comma - pick template file - pick save location 2. take text file and open with excel. - create column and put in quantity of duplicate blocks - delete duplicates 3. once formatted to my specifications copy into pre-made equipment schedule (in excel) 4. copy excel and paste into cad. *. i did find another topic on using a lisp routine to combine step 1 which i think is getting closer. lisp i am using below. (defun C:HEQ ( / ss) (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")(66 . 1)))) (command "attext" "C" ss "" "A" "F:/Hanger Ortho/Drawings Standards/Block Library/Block Attribute Extraction Files/HANGER_EQUIPMENT.TXT" (strcat "F:/Hanger Ortho/EQTEXT/" (getvar "dwgname"))) ) )