attext extraction location

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by VikCAD04, Feb 9, 2005.

  1. VikCAD04

    VikCAD04 Guest

    Hi all,
    Here's my issue:
    I'm using Multi-Batch to extract attributes from a number of files, MultiBatch is using -attext command and my template to extract them. The problem is, it stores the .txt file with extracted information where the original dwg is located. But i want all the *.txt files to be in a one folder like BATCH.

    So, if you step through the -attext with filedia set at 0, you can type in the address of where you want to store it, but i can't get it to do that with a script because for example:
    i want it to go to C:\batch\dwgname
    so I can type C:\batch\drawing1.dwg and it will save there, but it will be overwritten with the next dwg.
    I need some way to combine the specified desired location and the "dwgname" and run it in the multibatch. i tried making a list of the 2, but it don't work in the command prompt.

    PLEASE HELP, there's got to be a easy solution, i'm just not thinking it right.

    VikCAD04, Feb 9, 2005
  2. VikCAD04

    Jim Claypool Guest

    (strcat "c:/batch/" (getvar "dwgname"))
    Jim Claypool, Feb 9, 2005
  3. VikCAD04

    VikCAD04 Guest

    thanks, you saved my dumbness.
    VikCAD04, Feb 9, 2005
  4. VikCAD04

    VikCAD04 Guest

    ok, now there's another problem,
    i do this,
    (setq aa(strcat "c:/temp/" (getvar "dwgname")))
    so !aa = c:/temp/10101.20.dwg

    i go to -attext and when it asks to specify where to extract it to, i type !aa, and i get "1 records in extract file", so i'm thinking success, not quiet, i can't find where the file is!
    It's no where when i wanted and no where where i could find it.
    Is it because of / and not \?
    thanks ahead,
    VikCAD04, Feb 9, 2005
  5. VikCAD04

    Jim Claypool Guest

    Sorry, try
    (strcat "c:/batch/" (vl-string-subst ".txt" ".dwg" (getvar "dwgname")))
    Jim Claypool, Feb 9, 2005
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