Attempt to override value of inherited parameters

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by JD, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. JD

    JD Guest

    I got a subckt definition like is:

    subckt nmos w=5e-6 l=0.18e-6 ...
    + tox_mismatch = mis_tox * parama
    ends nmos

    The mis_tox is defined in another file:

    + mis_tox = 0

    section stat
    statistics {
    process {
    mismatch {
    vary mis_tox dist=gauss std=1.0
    endsection stat

    When I tried to netlist a nmos instance like:

    M0 nmos w=5e-6 l=0.18e-6 mis_tox = 1.25

    The spectre report "Attempt to override value of inherited

    Since I need to override a different value of mis_tox for each nmos
    instance, is there a way to do that?
    JD, Mar 7, 2007
  2. I'm a bit confused because you seem to be using the same parameter name as both
    a global parameter and a local parameter.

    If you define it as follows:

    subckt nmos (d g s b)
    parameters w=5e-6 l=0.18e-6 mis_tox=1 ... tox_mismatch = mis_tox * parama

    ends nmos

    Then you can pass mis_tox to the instance - but it then won't be affected by the
    global parameter mis_tox which is in the statistics block.

    Perhaps you need to have one parameter name for passing locally, and one global

    For example:

    parameters mis_tox_glob=1

    statistics {
    process {
    mismatch {
    vary mis_tox dist=gauss std=1.0

    subckt nmos (d g s b)
    parameters w=5e-6 l=0.18e-6 mis_tox=0 \
    mis_tox_local=mis_tox==0?mis_tox_glob:mis_tox \
    ends nmos

    In other words, if you don't pass mis_tox on the instance, it will use the
    global (or monte carlo mismatch parameter mis_tox_glob); if you pass it,
    it will use that instead of the global parameter. This is taken care of in the
    conditional expression mis_tox==0?mis_tox_glob:mis_tox which is effectively
    an if-then-else expression (often called the "ternary" expression in C).


    Andrew Beckett, May 1, 2007
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