Attaching Labels to nets for netlist generated by ERIE extraction

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Farhaan, Sep 12, 2006.

  1. Farhaan

    Farhaan Guest

    I am trying to attach Labels to nets in layout automatically because
    when I do ERIE extraction the netlist loses the net names and assigns
    them random ones. If I manually attach labels on the specific layer of
    the net I get the right netnames in my netlist, but this is cumbersome
    for a design with more than 30 nets. Does anyone know of any method
    using SKILL Code or how to change the rules file to include the net
    names? Thanks for any help.
    Farhaan, Sep 12, 2006
  2. I don't know what "ERIE" extraction is, but you could write code to attach
    labels using leAttachFig(). Not sure if that's really what you want though...
    probably because I don't know what you're actually doing - or what tool you're

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 19, 2006
  3. Farhaan

    Farhaan Guest

    Thanks for the response. My fault for not specifying what ERIE was.
    ERIE is our third party extractor product. However, I actually have
    figured out how to attach the labels to the nets by writing skill code
    to identify the database id's to get the lpp and locations for the nets
    and then feeding that to dbCreateLabel(). However, would leAttachFig()
    be quicker? If so I am a little confused on how to use it because it
    seems unless I create labels first I then need to attach these labels
    to their respective nets. And attaching them to the nets would require
    me to extract the bBox() coordinates of the net?Thanks.
    Farhaan, Sep 20, 2006
  4. All leAttachFig() does is create a parent-child relationship between two
    objects. You still need to create the label in the right place - but what it
    means is that if the parent moves (the shape), the child (the label) goes with

    So it's probably not necessary for your needs.

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 21, 2006
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