"Attach URL" reference file problem

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by VH, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. VH

    VH Guest

    We are having a problem attaching files over the internet. Files our
    company needs to reference are located on an FTP server at another
    company. Some of our workstations will attach the remote file and
    update the remote file using the "Reference File Agent" without any
    problem. Other workstations exhibit two distinct types problems:

    Problem 1. The file can be attached using "Attach URL" but cannot be
    updated in the "Reference File Agent" dialog box using "Actions >
    Update All Files".

    Problem 2. The file will not attach. An error message "ERROR: This
    URL could not be resolved. Check the address for accuracy." is
    displayed. We know that the address used on the machines which
    exhibit this error is accurate because we have electronically copied
    and pasted the exact same address being used in the machines that will
    connect and reference files on the remote FTP server.

    Interestingly the problem workstations have no trouble connecting to
    the FTP server through a browser and downloading or launching the file
    through the browser.

    This is really hurting us because the client does not want us to use
    downloaded files to avoid out of date information being accidentally
    used. They require that we only access their information through file

    If anyone knows why these problems are occurring please post the

    Thank you in advance for your much need help.
    VH, Apr 23, 2004
  2. VH

    Bevan Guest

    Just guessing here VH. URLs work great for local HTML documents, but we
    don't use them externally. You don't mention a version, and they are a bit
    hoakey (tech term) in /J.
    This sounds like a DNS issue. Have you tried a static address? Using
    bentley as an example, ping bentley.com tells us that the static address is If your link is http://www.bentley.com, this requires
    resolution. If your link is, no resolution is required.
    They connect to the same place.
    Bevan, Apr 23, 2004
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