At least in the french AutoCAD LT2000 and LT2002, type in the IMAGE command, then press ALT+T, the select image dialog box invites you to select an image... et voilà! That's that simple! It does not seem to work in an american LT2004, but I could'nt try in an american LT2000 or LT2002. Could somebody test this please? Thanks. -- ///// (o)-(o) ---ooO---(_)---Ooo-------------------------- Patrick EMIN The french CAD portal
No, it does not work in LT 2004. They finaly removed the shortcut keys from the Image Manager dialog. As far as I know the shortcut trick works in LT 2000, 2000i and 2000. Assuming that you know that "ALT+A" is the shortcut for "Attach" in the English version. I have a small program that enables the Attach and Deatch buttons in LT 2004. Let me know if you're intrested. It's free. I need to know the French words for "Attach" and "Detach" to make a French version For a more proffesional solution, try Slingshot from Conny
Send email to There are no download site yet. Beaware, it's a very simple solution... For a more professional approach, I recommend Slingshot from Conny