Ati vs. Nvidia

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ano, Feb 21, 2006.

  1. Ano

    Ano Guest

    I have now experience with Quadro 580 XGL (1 year) and ATI Fire GL 3100 (1
    week). Now it looks like that Ati is more stabil than Nvidia. Quadro crashed
    SW 2005 SP5 at least twice a day, Ati has not crashed at all, yet.
    Ano, Feb 21, 2006
  2. Ano

    TOP Guest

    How many Quadro cards did you test? How many ATI?
    TOP, Feb 21, 2006
  3. This is not the place to post that you got an ATI card to work more reliably
    than an Nvdia or any other card. Forget about even claiming that it works!
    I posted a minor zoom issue that I solved and it started an ATI bashing
    thread that is probably a hundred messages long.

    I was called a liar when I said I got the card to function and I was even
    stalked by some nut case that searched 2 years worth of posts in order to
    find out my name and where I worked and if I even had a crash with my card.
    When he could not find any problems of me posting issues with my ATI cards
    he started undermining posts to other users where I offered help.

    I am sure doubts about your finding will start immediately especially since
    you posted that you replace a "Certified" card and the problems seem to
, Feb 21, 2006
  4. Ano

    Ken Guest

    ATI has been under the gun to improve the reliability of their drivers by
    the application vendors and I heard rumors about a year ago that they were
    responding enthusiastically. Hopefully this will be a positive turning
    point for ATI. I have been using a FireGL Z1 at home and it has been
    working well with the newer drivers. Last time I tested the mobile FireGL
    product, the new push for quality drivers had not produced yet, so we went
    with NVIDIA due to limitations and graphics anomalies. Might have to revue
    them again when the time comes to spec a new PC.

    Ken, Feb 21, 2006

  5. Not to set off the lightship, but I wouldn't blow any horns after only a
    week. We can go for weeks with no crashes at all, then crash four or five
    times in a morning, with no obvious reason for the difference. On the other
    hand, if you really did have fairly consistent crashes a couple of times a
    day, maybe you're on to something. I would be more than happy to junk my
    card if I thought I could stop the crashes.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 21, 2006
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