ATI FireGL card driver

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. We have had 4 machines with ATI FireGL X2 video cards since Feb 2004. As
    video drivers are updated through the years, the natural tendency is to
    install them to hopefully prevent/reduce/avoid problems. In Aug 2005 one of
    our people updated their driver without my knowledge and I later figured out
    that was the cause of his software OGL setting being turned on inside SW.
    Roll back to the older driver and the checkbox is back to normal. I also
    verified that scenario on my machine at the time. Since then we have not
    updated the drivers because of the check box. Once in a while our IT people
    forget and when rebuilding the machine to give it to someone else, they
    install the latest driver certified on the SW site, only to find that
    checkbox checked again. Reload the old driver and the box is now unchecked.

    Ok, now the problem. We are getting errors, such as lockups, crashes, etc
    that are reported in the bug report as the video driver being the culprit.
    Does anyone have a solution such that we can load the latest driver and
    still not have the software OGL turned on?

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 1, 2007
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    pete Guest

    You could try and see if there is a, "forceware" type of driver, as there
    are for NVIDIA cards.
    I know that the forceware driver for the NVIDIA FX Go 1400, was editable, so
    that the refresh rate could be changed.
    pete, Aug 1, 2007
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    pete Guest

    pete, Aug 2, 2007
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    pete Guest

    pete, Aug 2, 2007
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