At last, real rectangles in AutoCAD

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Patrick EMIN, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. Patrick EMIN

    Patrick EMIN Guest

    You have been waiting for real rectangles in AutoCAD for years.

    The wait is over!

    Here is how it works:

    Draw a floating viewport in paper space.
    Copy/paste it in Model space.

    That's it!

    You've got a real rectangle, you can change its length and heigth and its
    center in the properties window, and you can change its size by grip

    Patrick EMIN
    Le portail francophone CAO et Nouvelles Technologies
    Patrick EMIN, Aug 7, 2004
  2. Patrick EMIN

    Longshot Guest

    how do you change the center of a rectangle?
    Longshot, Aug 7, 2004

  3. Patrick gave us a nice step by step instruction. (Thanks to P.)
    Read it.

    Jürgen Palme, Aug 7, 2004
  4. Patrick EMIN

    Patrick EMIN Guest

    In the properties window.

    Patrick EMIN
    Le portail francophone CAO et Nouvelles Technologies
    Patrick EMIN, Aug 7, 2004
  5. That's pretty cool, Patrick. Did your discovery begin with a mistake of some
    kind? (In the next version, they'll probably call it a new feature.)

    After playing with it for a while, I've realized that you can specify
    whatever linetype you want, but these things are going to appear
    "continuous". Still, thanks for the tip.
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 8, 2004
  6. Using an appropriate plot style you can get any line type (at the

    Jürgen Palme, Aug 8, 2004
  7. Even though it looks continuous on the screen?

    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 8, 2004
  8. Yes - try it. In the paperspace on the screen it looks
    continuous, in the plot preview and finally on the paper it looks
    like defined in the plot style.

    Jürgen Palme, Aug 8, 2004
  9. Patrick EMIN

    Patrick EMIN Guest

    Almost... You know that's the way with all *great* discoveries... by chance!
    I was testing copy/paste for viewports in Pspace and suddenly I thougth
    "What kind of fatal error will I get if I do that in Mspace". Surprise,

    It reminds me of another little trick I found in R14 years ago: if you
    mirror an arc but specifiy the two same points for the mirror axis, it
    works, it does a complementary angle arc! (the bug was later in 2000
    corrected by Autodesk, unfortunately)
    Patrick EMIN
    Le portail francophone CAO et Nouvelles Technologies
    Patrick EMIN, Aug 14, 2004
  10. I do that a lot: "I wonder what'll happen if I do THIS?!"
    I think it's basic scientific curiosity.
    Michael Bulatovich, Aug 14, 2004
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