
Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Gerard Wienk, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Gerard Wienk

    Gerard Wienk Guest

    For our current technology we need Cadence Assura 3.1.5 to do parasitic
    I get the following error when I try to extract parasitic R or RC.
    C-only RCX works fine

    With older technology and previous versions of Assura I was always able
    to do parasitic extraction of R and C.

    Are there some serious changes in Assura 3.1.5 ?

    I get the software from Europractice, but they seem to have no clue what
    my problem is. I also could not find anything on this matter on sourcelink.

    Can anyone shine a light on this matter?


    Gerard Wienk, Dec 5, 2006
  2. This is an excerpt from solution 11233382 :

    The presence of any of the the following Advanced Nanometer features in the
    process file or p2lvsfile needs an Assura_RCX_Adv_Process license:

    a. Temperature coefficient as a function of metal width (TCW)
    b. Resistivity (rho) as a function of width and spacing
    c. Erosion as a function of density and width :)tw:)

    Please contact your PDK vendor to check if they can provide a RCX Technology
    directory that does not use any of the above features. If you need to use the
    above features, you will need to have an Assura_RCX_Adv_Process license.

    From complete details on Assura license requirements, kindly refer to the latest
    Assura Developer Guide->Appendix A (Licensing Information)


    Andrew Beckett, Dec 8, 2006
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