Assura to Calbire conversion questions..

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Reotaro Hashemoto, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. I have some questions regarding Assura to Calibre conversion, please
    help hinting or answering questions you can.. thanks in advance.

    - How to convert sentences like this to Calibre:
    if (avSwitch("switch") then
    (will I use Preprocessors like $IFDEF ...??)

    - How to convert to Calibre:
    keepLayer(layer1 [layer2...])

    - Where should I print (as using printf() in Assura) in Calibre? Log
    file? Or output file?? Or use "SVRF ERROR()"?

    - No DF2 supported in Calibre, then should I just neglect its layers
    definition?? Or there's a method of conversion?

    - What does defining layers more than once mean(assigning to the same
    layer name more than one value!)??
    e.g. L1 = geomAndNot( A B)
    ... after few lines of other layers zwn (n: 2 -> 8) definitions, and
    using them in another layer
    L1 = geomAndNot( C B) // same name and different value!!

    Thanks a lot and kind regards,
    Reotaro Hashemoto, Jul 15, 2007
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