Assura RCX to QRC migration problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Andrew Pye, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. Andrew Pye

    Andrew Pye Guest

    I'm with a university and am trying to upgrade our Assura RCX to the
    new QRC. The installation and integration with Assura seems to be
    straightforward and right out of the manuals. However, when I run QRC
    from the extraction dialog, it exits immediately; the log file is
    attached below.
    It appears that it doesn't like some of the rcxParameters that were
    generated in the RSF file (also attached below). I also tried running
    QRC from the command line on the RSF file that is generated by the
    dialog and it produces the same output as the log file. It's
    interesting that it doesn't complain about all of the rcxParameters.
    These parameters are listed in the RCX to QRC Migration guide, so I
    would imagine that they're valid.
    Cadence version is 5.10.41_USR5 and Assura version is 3.2_USR1.
    I've set QRC_ENABLE_EXTRACTION=t and am seeing "Run QRC" in the Assura
    menu. It seems to be a problem with QRC recognizing the RCX-formatted
    RSF file.

    I'm sure that there's something very simple that I'm missing, but I
    can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Andrew Pye

    ------------------------------- RSF file

    ; @(#)$CDS: assura version
    av3.2:production:dfII5.1.41: 10/01/08 00:59
    (logavt05) $
    ; sub-version 3.2_USR1

    ; avParameter Section
    ; Created by the Assura UI

    ?workingDirectory "/home/rhome/pyea/8sf/LVS"
    ?runName "test"
    ?inputLayout ( "df2" "pye5" )
    ?cellName "test"
    ?viewName "layout"
    ?techLib "/home/rhome/pyea/8sf/assura_tech.lib"
    ?cdslib "/home/rhome/pyea/8sf/cds.lib"

    ; rcxParameter Section
    ; Created by the Assura UI

    ?rcxSetupDir "/home/rhome/pyea/IBM_PDK/cmrf8sf/V1.6.0.3DM/
    ?outputFormat "dfII"
    ?extractedView "av_extracted"
    ?checkCellView nil
    ?resistor "presistor"
    ?resPropName "r"
    ?extract "res"
    ?netNameSpace "layout"
    ?maxFractureLength "infinite"
    ?fractureLengthUnits "microns"
    ?temperature 25.0
    ?type "full"
    ?rcxfsType "none"
    ?minR 0.001
    ?maxMergedViaSize "auto"
    ?arrayViasSpacing "auto"
    ?capModels "no"
    ?parasiticCapModels "no"
    ?resModels "no"
    ?parasiticResModels "comment"
    ?parasiticResWidth nil
    ?parasiticResWidthDrawn nil
    ?runName "test"

    ------------------------------- QRC output
    Cadence Extraction QRC - Parasitic Extractor - Version 7.1.2-p010
    Mon Aug
    25 16:05:08 PDT 2008
    Copyright 2008 Cadence Design Systems,

    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?extract is an unrecognized rcxParameter in the
    DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?netNameSpace is an unrecognized rcxParameter in
    the DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?maxFractureLength is an unrecognized rcxParameter
    in the DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?fractureLengthUnits is an unrecognized
    rcxParameter in the DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?temperature is an unrecognized rcxParameter in
    the DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?type is an unrecognized rcxParameter in the DFII
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?rcxfsType is an unrecognized rcxParameter in the
    DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?minR is an unrecognized rcxParameter in the DFII
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?maxMergedViaSize is an unrecognized rcxParameter
    in the DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?arrayViasSpacing is an unrecognized rcxParameter
    in the DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?capModels is an unrecognized rcxParameter in the
    DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?parasiticCapModels is an unrecognized
    rcxParameter in the DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?resModels is an unrecognized rcxParameter in the
    DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?parasiticResModels is an unrecognized
    rcxParameter in the DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?parasiticResWidth is an unrecognized rcxParameter
    in the DFII flow.
    ERROR (LBRCXM-554): ?parasiticResWidthDrawn is an unrecognized
    rcxParameter in the DFII flow.
    INFO (LBRCXM-699): Errors exist in master control file "LVS/
    INFO (LBRCXM-709): ***** QRC terminated abnormally *****
    Andrew Pye, Jun 30, 2009
  2. Andrew Pye

    Tarek Guest

    You're using an IBM PDK and trying to get QRC to work... welcome to
    the club. really, theres so many people I've seen on various forums
    trying to get this to work since the recent change from RCX to QRC.
    Did you also put EXT stream before ASSURA stream in your path? Are you
    getting the "No technology directory found" error when launching QRC
    via Assura->Run RCX? Did you run a successful LVS before running QRC?
    The last point is a must (doesn't have to be 100% pass, just has to
    say successful). Your menu is changed to "Run QRC"? So you're using
    QRC81, most people I've talked to are using EXT71 so maybe its
    something I haven't encountered. Anyways, here's my settings:


    Setup tab:
    Setup directory: /<the rest>/QRC/32
    Output: extracted view

    Extraction tab:
    Extraction Type: up to you
    Ref node: /gnd!
    If you want L and K, you need to set the User Region for where you
    want to
    extract (mutual) inductance and on what layers. To do this, hit
    under PEEC mode, choose the layers which you want to extract parasitic
    L and K,
    then in the new window hit `Draw bBox` and select the region of
    interest, then
    hit `Add`. You can then create different regions and modify the
    `Bottom` and
    `Top` layers which you want to consider. The rest of the tabs I left


    This topic has been discussed elsewhere, I've posted my setup and no
    one has disputed it. Doesn't mean its correct tho...

    Hope this helps...
    Tarek, Jul 1, 2009
  3. Andrew Pye

    Tarek Guest

    I meant EXT81, not QRC81... and after taking a closer look at your log
    file it seems that you are using EXT71. Just struck me as odd that you
    got QRC in your Assura menu, I asked elsewhere if this was possible
    with EXT71 and was told only EXT81 is integrated into the menus. Also,
    did you download the QRC definitions from your tech provider? Its
    separate from the base kit. you might still be using RCX definitions
    from a previous kit? Your Assura/<metals> folder should contain DRC,
    LVS and QRC folders. RCX was phased out after cmos8rf V1.4.0.12DM.
    Tarek, Jul 1, 2009
  4. Andrew Pye

    Tarek Guest

    OK I'm really not reading properly now, I see you have QRC/32 as your
    Setup Directory. (This is what I dislike about newsgroups... no edit
    Tarek, Jul 1, 2009
  5. Andrew Pye

    Andrew Pye Guest

    Tarek, thanks for the quick response!
    Yeah, I've seen a lot of people having difficulties with IBM and
    QRC, but was surprised that no one else had the same problem as me,
    which tells me that I'm probably missing something very obvious.
    Yes, I'm using EXT71 (though I'm going to have EXT81 installed, just
    to see if that helps anything ... I doubt it will, but I don't have
    any better ideas at this point); I have the EXT directory in the path
    before Assura; I am not getting "No technology directory found" error
    (assura_tech.lib seems to be set up correctly); I am running DRC and
    LVS successfully before QRC.
    I did download the latest kits (base kit and QRC kit) from MOSIS and
    successfully installed them. DRC and LVS run just fine.

    So, I'm still confused. At least DRC and LVS run correctly, so I
    can go ahead with the design for all intents and purposes.

    Andrew Pye
    Andrew Pye, Jul 1, 2009
  6. Andrew Pye

    Tarek Guest

    Did you set the RSF Include file in the Setup tab of QRC as "LVS/
    rcx.test.rsf"? I don't recall if I'm leaving that field blank or if i
    put LVSinclude.rsf.

    Don't mean to hijack your thread and ask you questions but...

    Does your assura_tech.lib only contain "DEFINE 8RF_DM_32 /home/rhome/
    pyea/IBM_PDK/cmrf8sf/V1.6.0.3DM/Assura/QRC/32" ? Did you do anything
    other than what you specified in your first post for setting up QRC?
    Is it necessary to set "CDS_AUTO_64BIT"?

    The only steps I took were those described in the release notes in
    Tarek, Jul 1, 2009
  7. Andrew Pye

    Andrew Pye Guest

    No problem about hijacking the thread. I appreciate all the help!

    In LVS, the RSF include file is set automatically to LVSinclude.rsf
    that is included with the kit. I don't add any RSF include files in
    the QRC setup. As far as I know, the only RSF file that is involved
    in the QRC process is that which is generated by the Assura UI and
    passed to QRC.
    My assura_tech.lib includes only one entry -- "DEFINE 8RF_DM_32 /
    pyea/IBM_PDK/cmrf8sf/V1.6.0.3DM/Assura/QRC/32". I'm not specifying
    CDS_AUTO_64BIT because the machine I'm working on is 32-bit. I
    noticed this in the manual -- that 64-bit QRC must be run on a 64-bit
    LVS library -- but, since I'm running DRC, LVS and QRC on the same (32-
    bit) machine, I'm not worrying about it. Should I? Do you know if
    the IBM kit requires 64-bit architecture? It hasn't in the past ...
    but, things change.
    This is probably a dumb question, but the "Assura LVS database" that
    it talks about in the docs which must be generated before running QRC
    is the output of running Assura LVS on the layout, correct? It's not
    something that is generated by an another process?

    I had EXT 8.1 and Assura 4.1 installed on the machine since
    yesterday, but haven't had a chance to test it all out (will probably
    get to it this evening).

    Thanks again for the help.

    Andrew Pye
    Andrew Pye, Jul 1, 2009
  8. Andrew Pye

    Tarek Guest

      In LVS, the RSF include file is set automatically to LVSinclude.rsf
    Strange, my assura_tech.lib is the same (with my path of course), but
    QRC doesn't pick up the technology directory, I have to specify the
    Setup Dir and RSF Include manually.
    I don't think so, I didn't specify it either and I can run QRC
    successfully. I'm pretty much reaching for straws on that one, I just
    saw the variable mentioned in one of the documents.
    Yes, you need to run a successful Assura LVS before proceeding to QRC.
    Are you creating the proper CDL Netlist for your schematic using the
    LVS preprocessor? Before running QRC, did you do Assura->Open Run and
    load your design? It should be loaded automatically, however.
    I think its best to stick with EXT71 and ASSURA317, those are the
    versions IBM verified with.
    Tarek, Jul 1, 2009
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