Assura-RCX : Do I really need LVS?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by trisha.woods, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. trisha.woods

    trisha.woods Guest

    I have a power-grid with a bunch of inputOutput pins for external
    VDD and GND connections. I want to use assura-RCX to extract the R&C
    parasitics of this grid. Can I directly run assura-RCX without having
    to run LVS? If the answer is "NO", then how do I create a schematic for
    a power grid (just wires) with all the inputOutput pins?

    trisha.woods, Nov 15, 2005
  2. As far as I know you can't.
    Assura RCX needs at least one non parasitic device
    to do an extraction.

    As a suggestion if you have some metal R's in your
    device library you can put them as a kind of dummy
    devices on you power grid, so that you can run a
    LVS and after it a parasitic extraction.

    Bernd Fischer, Nov 15, 2005
  3. trisha.woods

    S. Badel Guest

    No you don't. Indeed, RCX requires the device and netlist extraction
    steps to be run, but the GUI does not allow you to run them without
    doing the LVS in the same shot.

    You'll just need to create your own RSF file, or tweak the one created
    by the UI. It should look like


    Alternatively, running LVS against a dummy schematic will also enable
    the RCX UI - you don't need to care about the LVS results. If some
    circumstances, it will not enable by itself - you just open the run and
    it enables.


    Related Sourcelink articles:
    S. Badel, Nov 15, 2005
  4. trisha.woods

    S. Badel Guest

    Actually, it seems not. I guess that devices are needed for LVS, not
    RCX. Indeed, without devices LVS fails and complains about the netlist
    being empty.

    though I never tried it myself, sourcelink solution 11176148 claims that
    it's possible to run RCX with no devices on the layout.


    S. Badel, Nov 15, 2005
  5. trisha.woods

    trisha.woods Guest

    I tried to create a dummy schematic (by importing a verilog file where
    I just declared the inputOutput pins corresponding to VDD and GND pins
    on the power-grid.) The LVS did not complain must except for couple of
    mismatches. When I run the RCX from UI, I get the following errors:

    *WARNING* at "capgen": Contact layer 'Cont' specified in the p2lvsfile
    is not found in the lvsfile.
    Forking: /tools/assura/bin/32bit/capgen -techdir
    /gpdk_MIET_2.0/assura_gpdk_tech -lvs /layout/assura_run/run1.xcn -p2lvs
    /gpdk_MIET_2.0/assura_gpdk_tech/p2lvsfile -p poly,allGate,diff
    -canonical_res_caps -length_units meters -mos_diff_ap_nw -xgl
    *FATAL* at "RCXspice": Unable to read
    '/gpdk_MIET_2.0/assura_gpdk_tech/cap_coeff.dat', No such file or
    *WARNING* Bad return status from RCX script generator. Status 256

    Any idea what am I doing wrong??

    trisha.woods, Nov 17, 2005
  6. Does it work if you have a normal schematic? I'd be surprised - it looks as if
    you're pointing at a rules directory which doesn't have the RCX information (e.g
    cap_coeff.dat). Perhaps you have to point at a different LVS setup to get the
    RCX information?

    Some of Assura RCX is set up on the fly, but most of the coefficients are
    pre-computed (because that takes some time, and would be shared by all runs).


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 18, 2005
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