Assura LVS / generate labels from pin names

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by dinac, Nov 26, 2009.

  1. dinac

    dinac Guest

    Hi all,

    My Assura LVS is not able to see the pins because there are no labels
    assigned to it.
    So, is there a way to generate these labels for the respective pin
    names for the whole design.
    Or provide a list to assura informing the tool that these are pins.

    Thanking You,

    dinac, Nov 26, 2009
  2. dinac

    rick Guest

    Hi Dinac - Assura uses pins when running DFII and uses labels based on
    their origins when running GDS. There are
    skill routines that will generate pins from labels and labels from
    pins. Are you running DFII or GDS?

    rick, Nov 30, 2009
  3. dinac

    dinac Guest

    Hi Rick, Thanks for your reply.I am using DFII.
    There are pins in my design. But Assura gives match only after placing
    the label to the respective pins.
    So I need to generate these labels for all the pins in my design.
    If I am right, 'pinTextFile ' could do this?? But i am searching for a
    format of this file.


    dinac, Nov 30, 2009
  4. dinac

    rick Guest

    Hi Dinac - you could a few things going on here:

    1) the pins have lost their connectivity
    2) the deck is setup to only recognize text and not pins.
    3) the pins are not on the correct layer

    What does the .erc file show, does it report any pins? The pinText
    file will work but it can be
    a huge task to manually generate if you have a bunch of pins. The
    syntax is:

    name x-coord y-coord ATTACH=<layerName>

    VSS_ch3 60.21 -33.630 ATTACH=met3

    BTW, most decks will use lower case even if the techFile is upper case
    but it can go either way.
    Sourcelink has a skill routine that will generate labels from pins:

    Solution ID: 11138210

    rick, Nov 30, 2009
  5. dinac

    dinac Guest

    thanks Rick, I will check on it.
    dinac, Dec 2, 2009
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