assura join net syntax problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ARAVIND, May 5, 2004.


    ARAVIND Guest


    Following is the syntax from assura help:
    joinNets - Joins nets to form a net with the first net name you
    specify in the net name list.
    joinNets( {root|"cell_name"} "net_name"...
    My cell name is AK and nets i want to equate are VDD and vdd and power
    so does my syntax sound like this:
    joinNets( {root|"AK"} "VDD" "vdd" "power")
    joinNets( root | "VDD" "vdd" "power")
    Both the cases are not helping me.
    These are included in my rsf file in avCompare portion (paranthesis)
    of the file.
    But still it is not equating !
    joinNets( {root|"AK"} "VDD" "vdd") this is leading to abnormal
    termination of the lvs run.
    Any help is welcome !
    ARAVIND, May 5, 2004

    S. Badel Guest

    {root|"cell_name"} mean EITHER root OR cellname enclosed in quotation
    the pipe (|) shouldn't appear in any case.
    so try using
    joinNets( root "VDD" "vdd" "power")
    joinNets( "AK" "VDD" "vdd" "power")
    if AK is not the root cell.

    hope this helps

    S. Badel, May 5, 2004

    ARAVIND Guest

    Thank you stéphane,
    Now I got the root or "cell_name" idea ! simple...but i got lost...thanks again.

    And i tried the : joinNets( root "VDD" "vdd" "power")
    As the nets i want to equate are on the root cell
    on which i am running assura lvs.
    No luck !

    By adding this syntax do we intend the tool to equate
    the nets to first net name BOTH IN SCH. and LAY. ?
    My sch. has three nets VDD vdd and power.
    But in my layout it is one net..

    ARAVIND, May 6, 2004
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