Associative Dimensioning Bug (DIMASSOC=2)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kate M, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. Kate M

    Kate M Guest

    Many people have mentioned experiencing "flying" dimensions when using
    DIMASSOC=2. In my most recent case, I dimensioned a bunch of lines in
    modelspace, went into paperspace, grip-stretched one viewport -- and
    suddenly all my new dimensions were clustered around the origin. They still
    listed as associative, but were nowhere near their object. I found no way to
    fix it except to undo back to before the grip edit, then disassociate all
    the dimensions. (I'm running 2004.)

    I've searched the newsgroups and and found very little
    reference to this behavior. Is this an acknowledged issue? Has it been fixed
    in 2005? Has anyone submitted a bug report? I'm not expecting to find a fix
    for my version; I just want to know if Autodesk is aware of the problem.

    Kate M, Jan 11, 2005
  2. Kate M

    tstright Guest

    I have this same problem......

    I have not seen or heard of a fix...
    tstright, Jan 12, 2005
  3. Kate M

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    I can't speak for releases beyond R2002, but the flaky operation of DIMASSOC=2, is the reason we maintain DIMASSOC=1.
    OLD-CADaver, Jan 12, 2005
  4. Kate M

    wookie Guest

    We've used dimassoc 2 through 02-04-05 with no issues......infact its specified in our CAD Standards.
    Mabey its a certian combination of sysvars that causes a glitch.
    wookie, Jan 13, 2005
  5. Kate M

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    As long as the dims and the objects are in the same space and none of the dim defpoints are associated with an xref'd element or a NUS block, they are seemingly stable.

    However, through R2002, the are very unstable for trans-spatial dimensioning, or dimensioning elements between an xref and the current model, or dimensions NUS blocks that are modified.
    OLD-CADaver, Jan 13, 2005
  6. Kate M

    wookie Guest

    That makes sense.
    Our dims are always in the same space, and we dont use xrefs.
    wookie, Jan 14, 2005
  7. Kate M

    madcadd Guest

    Hi Kate,

    Curious, I just tried to duplicate your experience and CAN NOT. I drew lines, making certain that DIMASSOC=2 is on, then went into PS and dimensioned them. (I also dimensioned them in MS as a good way of keeping tabs on them).

    I then stretched my VP with grips and with the stretch command, many times over. Plus I moved the VP and stretched some more. Then I went back to MS and grip stretched some of the lines. And through all of this, the dimensions stayed true and held fast to their lines.

    I'm running 2002. I still can't find a problem with DIMASSOC=2.

    I'm with wookie who says "Our dims are always in the same space, and we don't use xrefs."

    The only thing we use xref's for are TB's. Our discipline is mechanical.
    madcadd, Jan 25, 2005
  8. Kate M

    magan Guest

    Go back into Assist/Format/Dimension Style. See if your dimension style is default. We have had a problem with it changing and experiencing problems like yours.
    magan, Jan 26, 2005
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