Assigning minimum via number to net classes

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Norman, May 17, 2006.

  1. Norman

    Norman Guest


    To relax reliability issues in analog designs due to maximum allowable
    current densities per via, you use often arrays of vias to change
    between metal layers (e.g. using 2 rows and 2 columns, thus 4 contacts,
    instead of the default one contact)

    Do somebody know, if it is possible to define in net classes a minimum
    number of contact per via.

    Or is there maybe a way to search in a design single contacts, i.e.
    contacts with 1 row and 1 column?

    Best regards

    Norman, May 17, 2006
  2. Norman

    vdvalk Guest


    The last time I investigated the routing tools, it was required that
    you create single via structures for the automatic routing. Multiple
    vias were not chosen by default in any way!

    If you wanted a 2x2 via as the defaut, I have written code to fake out
    the tool and tell it the structure had a via that was actually a 2x2
    (or 1x2 but that was messy!)

    To increase reliability, you could write design rules to flag isolated
    vias. This is trivial drc code.
    this is easy if your definition of non-isolated vias is smaller than:
    the definition of non-isolated vias OR electrically isolated vias.
    if not the code involves grows (of less than 1/2 of the smallest of
    these) and and-nots of conductor(s)
    some drc tools now do this slightly more efficently than several years

    Lets say for simplicity that VIAX is isolated if it is farther than 1u
    from any other VIAX
    and VIAX to VIAX spacing on different METX polygons is 1.2u

    CHECK_ISO_VIAX = grow( VIAX 0.5 )
    ISO_VIAX = select( CHECK_ISO_VIAX straddle VIAX number<2 ) /* this
    psudo code is not valid */

    Fixing it is another issue.

    -- Gerry
    vdvalk, May 26, 2006
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