Assigning Digitizer Buttons

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by amasutti, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. amasutti

    amasutti Guest

    I am trying to assign a .x filter to the second button on my digitizer. The only thing it is doing is putting an enter on the command line. It works with 2000 but not 2002 or 2004. I have set shorcutmenu and mbuttonpan system variables to zero. All the other buttons are assignable

    amasutti, Jan 31, 2005
  2. You'll need the decimal point before the x, of course.

    And I seem to recall having some difficulty figuring out whether to put
    things in the BUTTONS vs. AUX sub-sections of the menu. I think it might
    depend on your digitizer. Since that's the only thing I have that could use
    either, I took the easy cop-out route and just put the same stuff into both
    areas of the menu, and it works (in 2000 and 2004, at least).

    Also, make sure you're using the right location in the Button (or Aux)
    sub-menu. On mine (4-button SummaSketch III), you can designate which
    direction it goes around the three buttons other than the pick button (like
    switching the "left" and "right" button designations on a mouse). If that
    was set the "wrong way", I'd get those assigned functions on different
    buttons than I wanted.
    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jan 31, 2005
  3. amasutti

    amasutti Guest


    I'm not sure why but placing the same commands in the aux area worked.
    amasutti, Jan 31, 2005
  4. It's been so long since I set mine up, I don't even remember whether I had
    some idea then, but I suspect some particulars of the digitizer's driver
    file might determine whether its puck buttons are considered "buttons" or an
    "auxiliary device." But as long as you don't need one or the other area for
    something else, too, I guess it doesn't matter. (I haven't been brave
    enough to delete the code from the Buttons area, to find out for sure....)
    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jan 31, 2005
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