Assigned Mass Properties of sub-assembly?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Olly183, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. Olly183

    Olly183 Guest

    I am having issues with the all up mass of an assembly, several of the
    sub-assemblies have assigned mass properties, however their mass
    properties don't appear to be carrying through to the main assembly,
    any ideas?

    When i highlight the sub-assembly in the design tree of the main
    assembly and select the mass tool it displays the correct info but when
    the mass tool is selected for the whole main assembly it uses the
    pre-assigned mass of the sub-assembly. i've double checked by
    suppressing the sub-assembly and noting the revised mass which dosn't
    tally with the assigned mass of the sub-assembly!

    SW2005 sp0


    Olly183, Jun 2, 2005
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