Assembly Xsec

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Pier Dil, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. Pier Dil

    Pier Dil Guest

    Hi people
    I'm creating a Xsec in a Assembly file.
    Do u know if it's possible to keep entire (not cut) some parts excluding
    them from Xsec?

    Pier Dil, Jun 29, 2006
  2. Pier Dil

    huggre Guest

    Yes, select properties on the hatch, cycle trough each part and you can
    remove (dont remember the exact name)the hatch for the selected part.

    huggre, Jun 29, 2006
  3. Pier Dil

    Pier Dil Guest

    Yes I know
    But in this case you have the part cut in 3D and without hatching.
    I' d like to have the part NOT CUT !
    I 'd like to see the assembly in 3D environment with some parts cut and
    with some other parts not.
    Pier Dil, Jun 29, 2006
  4. Pier Dil

    David Janes Guest

    Yes it is. You should aquaint yourself with the ZONE method of selecting and
    defining components for cross sectioning. Especially useful is zone creation by a
    quilt definition of the boundary of the zone. This quilt can be a series of
    copied, merged surfaces defining the exact parts you wish to have excluded. This
    is available when first creating the xsec by selecting Zone as the creation method
    (NOT Planar or Offset). As with most things in Pro/e, it helps if you create this
    zone ahead of time, with the tools that are optimally available. With
    "Inside/Outside" for component selection, you can use a quilt as the definition of
    what components belong in the cross section and which do not. The "recycle" arrows
    flip the direction (and provide yet another example of the heterogeous, amorphous,
    elastic definition that PTC/Pro/e has of GUI interface ~ and in Pro/e's case, it's
    about 6 dinstinct interfaces, 90% of which are still Menu Manager style of
    floating, separate windows. I just wish they'd get the idea of dedicated screen
    regions and doing everything in a common working area) Create your zone quilt that
    includes/excludes components outside of this xsec creation functionality. As with
    cross sectioning, in general, the setup is best done in Pro/MODEL, not Pro/DETAIL.
    David Janes, Jun 30, 2006
  5. Pier Dil

    Pier Dil Guest

    Thank you David.
    I tried unsuccessfully. The surface is closed, is made on part level.
    there is not any error messagge. With double click on section name
    nothing happens !
    Anyway I understand your suggestion !
    I'm sure you agree me if I say that it's a very complicated method to
    get a partial section. I'm not interested on "elastic definition " or
    "flexibility" in ProE environment. I think it should be very simple to
    select from the assembly tree the parts not included in the section
    (other CAD program can do it) and that's all !
    I found another way based on Simplyfied Reps but it's complicated too.
    Pier Dil, Jun 30, 2006
  6. Pier Dil

    David Janes Guest

    Okay, forget zone selection; you're right: too difficult, clumsy and ineffective.
    Now, instead of doing what huggre suggested in the drawing, do it in the part.
    Pick 'View>View Manager>Xsec', select the view name then RMB 'Redefine>Hatching'.
    Cycle through the section with Next xsec until you come to the components you want
    to exclude and click on Excl Comp. Do this with each component you want to exclude
    from the section. When you show the section in your 3D view, those excluded
    components should not be sectioned ~ neither cut nor hatched.
    David Janes, Jul 2, 2006
  7. Pier Dil

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I don't believe you fellas are talking about the same things here.

    3D environment = an asssembly model window?

    3D view = where the view is not normal to the section plane?
    Jeff Howard, Jul 2, 2006
  8. Pier Dil

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Sorry, make that "where the drawing view is not normal to ...".
    Jeff Howard, Jul 2, 2006
  9. Pier Dil

    David Janes Guest

    I admit the possibility of what you say; still, what I think both Pier and I both
    want is this:
    a view, with excluded components, should show up as not only not hatched in an ISO
    view, but also not cutaway, not sectioned, when you do Excl Comp. I say it's
    possible, if one does it in the model; no matter how it looks in the
    assembly/model hatched section view, it will look correctly sesctioned in the
    drawing view (odd, I know, that it'd look wrong in the model but right in the
    drawing, but that's my contention.)
    David Janes, Jul 2, 2006
  10. Pier Dil

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I say it's possible, if one does it in the model ...

    It (excluding in a drawing view) can be done while working in the drawing, too.
    Update sheet when done to redraw the missing edges. (Perhaps I misunderstand
    the inference; e.g. you Must exclude while in model mode.)

    I do know one thing; Pier and I would both like to see a method of exclusion by
    rule of some sort. It's not real high on my list of dream features but Select_1
    vs. Select_1_or_more leaves a big hole in the fuctionality. I guess the
    practice of not axially sectioning common hardware (fasteners, etc.) items
    doesn't hold much sway with Pro/E's larger accounts unless I'm missing

    I'd like to hear more about Pier's simp rep solution.

    If it is truly the "3D environment" that Pier's concerned with; is an assembly
    cut feature worth looking into?
    Jeff Howard, Jul 2, 2006
  11. Pier Dil

    Pier Dil Guest

    Hi friends.
    I conferm that my ieda is to have an "uncut" model in an assembly
    environment. Let's suppose not to have drawing at all.
    The "Excl Comp" in a ViewManager-Xsec operation regards only the hatching.
    For me it's important to keep entirely solid one or more parts in an
    assembly environment.
    I think about two solution.

    1 - Extrude-Cut feature in an assembly mode.
    Intersect option to exclude one or more components.
    Simple but it's a feature anyway ( it's necessary to remember to
    suppress it,it should be the last feature in an assembly tree, it's not
    simple to manage in a drawing,ecc...).
    It's good for a quick image.

    2 - "Simply rep" for the parts I want to section.
    Component environment - Simply Rep - Work region - Draw the area to cut
    as an extrude-cut.
    Assembly environment - Simply Rep - Substitute - By rep - select the
    simply rep of the part I want to sec .
    Good solution because it's not a really cut operation and it's simpler
    to manage it for 2d view , ecc...
    It's not good if you have a complex assembly with a lot of components.

    I'm working with WF2.
    Any info about WF3 ??

    Pier Dil, Jul 3, 2006
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