Assembly with no fixed parts?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jillianlives, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. jillianlives

    jillianlives Guest

    I am building an assembly of a cart, where every single part should
    move (no fixed parts). Is there a way to do this in an assembly, or
    should I just be using COSMOSmotion to make sure everything is moving

    jillianlives, Oct 29, 2007
  2. jillianlives

    Dom Guest

    Select the part that is fixed, RMB, select float. Can't imagine why
    you would want to do this. Why do you need your assembly to float
    around in space?
    Dom, Oct 29, 2007
  3. jillianlives

    AdamB Guest

    As dom pointed out, this seems like a strange thing to want to do. I
    suspect what you are wanting to do is different to what you're
    actually asking. Unless your cart is for deep space, then it will have
    to have some constraints on how it can be positioned, and how it moves
    surely (ie wheels coincident with a floor or something?). I suspect
    you'll have issues trying to move any of your parts if the whole
    assembly is floating, i suspect whenever you try to move a single
    part, SolidWorks will just move the whole assembly around in space,
    rather than moving parts relative to one another. Perhaps if you can
    expand on exactly what you are trying to do?
    AdamB, Oct 30, 2007
  4. jillianlives

    TOP Guest

    Well you could have physical dynamics turned on and then have a
    stationary ground in the form of an envelope part. If the assembly has
    any complexity at all it would need a pretty powerful box to run on.

    TOP, Oct 30, 2007
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