Assembly Transparency

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SR, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. SR

    SR Guest

    While the assembly transparency is nice, does anyone know how to turn
    all parts off with designing in-context? This wasn't much of a problem
    when I was designing small assemblies. I would just select the
    parts/subassys and "Hide", but now that I'm working on an assembly
    with more parts this is getting to be a real pain. I tried setting up
    configurations, but really what I want is to be able todo is toggle
    between showing the assembly components (Opague or Transparent) and
    hiding all the assembly components when I'm editing a part. Any
    feedback would be appreciated.

    SR, Nov 14, 2003
  2. I created a macro that would allow you to preview hidden and suppressed
    components in your assembly tree it helps when you just have no idea which
    hidden component is which. I would be glad to send it to you if you like.

    Corey Scheich, Nov 14, 2003
  3. SR

    SR Guest

    If you are referring to to option "Assembly transparency for in
    context edit" none of these settings allow me to completing turn off
    the assembly parts when in-context. All this allows me to do is
    control the transparency of the parts. Even when set to 100% it still
    leaves me with a wireframe display.

    Did I miss something from your response?
    SR, Nov 14, 2003
  4. SR

    Dave H Guest

    Turn off "shaded with edge" and select "shaded" (View > Display) and the
    wireframe will dissapear leaving only the part selected for editing showing.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Nov 15, 2003
  5. SR

    Krister L Guest

    Have a look at "assembly envelopes" they are sort of the tool for this,
    toggle between hide a show assy components.

    Krister L
    Krister L, Nov 15, 2003
  6. SR

    kema Guest

    I have a set of 3 macros I use for this. The 1st and 3rd are
    modifications of other macros I found, and the 2nd macro I got from
    -One to record the current shown/hidden status of each part.
    -One to "Show Only" and selected parts.
    -Lastly, one to reset the previous shown/hidden status (that was
    stored in a text file), and show/hide parts/subassemblies accordingly.

    Suppressed parts are ignored thru-out, and new parts are ignored in
    the reset macro. I can send you them if you want.

    After writing these macros, I found a Visibility Toggle macro at:

    It works pretty well is pretty intuitive. It basically records a
    selection set, and works off of that. It costs $10. It is kind of
    slow tho, but I'm guessing that is because it is more of a stand-alone
    program rather than a macro. It has what you're looking for plus a
    couple other similiar features (like toggling all shown parts to
    hidden and vice-versa). Also, it is more professional looking, and
    easier for macro-phobes to use, than my version.

    kema, Nov 15, 2003
  7. SR

    SR Guest

    Dave H,

    That's is much closer to what I'm looking for except even though the
    display of the components is hidden, all edge, vertices, planes, etc.
    are highlighted as I brush my cursor over the view making it very
    difficult to work. I appreciate your reply.

    SR, Nov 17, 2003
  8. It sounds like what you want is everything else to disappear and be out of
    the picture. So, instead of editing the part there, just RMB and "open" the
    part. This way you will be working on it by itself.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 17, 2003
  9. SR

    SR Guest

    Thanks for the macro offer Ken, but I think I'm going to try the
    Visibility Toggle macro you pointed me to below. Thanks again!

    Thanks to all those that replied along with Ken.
    SR, Nov 17, 2003
  10. If you leave that on you can toggle it hold shift down and you will select
    like there are no transparent parts. Otherwise you select strait through

    Corey Scheich, Nov 17, 2003
  11. SR

    Todd Guest


    What are your thoughts on this macro?

    How slow? What seems to be the threshold of components where it's a
    pain to use?

    I have a combo of free macros I'm using for this type of thing -- but
    with alot of parts they are dog slow.

    Wouldn't be nice if SolidWorks Corp. put incredibly useful things like
    this into the software? I think it's great that SWX has a good API
    that allows this sort of thing but some on these things should be
    no-brainers for them to integrate into the code.

    Todd, Dec 4, 2003
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