Assembly Statistics and BOM's list different quanties

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tom Chasteen, Nov 26, 2003.

  1. Tom Chasteen

    Tom Chasteen Guest

    I posted some large assembly statistics and Paul seemed to feel that the
    part count was very small. I knew that the assembly had numerous repeated
    parts (i.e. fasteners) so at first I didn't think anything about it. But,
    just to make sure I inserted the assembly into a drawing and inserted a BOM.
    It was the new 2004 SW BOM. The part count jumped to 167 parts not 120 as
    listed in the Assembly Statistics. An Excel BOM listed 161 parts not 120 or
    167, and summing the parts yielded 12669 parts not the new assembly
    statistics count of 13278.

    Nothing seems to count the same. Any ideas what's happening or should we
    start manually counting parts.

    Tom Chasteen, Nov 26, 2003
  2. Tom Chasteen

    Tom Chasteen Guest

    P.S. I was a little snippy with my reply to Paul and would like to
    apologize. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of large assembly
    performance and thought that his comments were trying to indicate that I
    wasn't reporting accurately. Since I was reading off of the assembly
    statistics I got a little out of sorts. Sorry.

    I know that there are several things that I'm doing to try and maximize
    large assembly performance and I know that others are having problems. I
    just can't quit figure out what it is that is allowing me to have such good
    performance or from their comment to ascertain what is causing them

    I still want to pursue the issues.

    Phil, if you can send me a copy of your large assembly I would really like
    to look at it.

    Tom Chasteen, Nov 26, 2003
  3. Tom Chasteen

    Krister L Guest

    I did the same test here....brought one of my bigger number
    of components: 6329.... into a drawing and there is a
    differance here as well...Assembly statictics sais 776 uniqe parts and
    excel-bom sais 785 parts, new bom sais 795 parts...both boms set to parts
    only....... I saved the excel bom as an excel file and the other bom as text
    file and compared them.
    My excel boms save a plate with two configs (a drilled hole might be the
    difference) as one part duplicated, while new bom saves it as two of each...that's the difference between the I gussed
    from start. Guess the difference between assy stat's and bom has something
    to do with configs as well, but not sure.

    Krister L
    Krister L, Nov 26, 2003
  4. Tom,

    If you use configs, you'll get a different count between the two BOM's. The new bom looks at configs as a different item
    number per config. This would cause your Item count to increase.
    The excel bom looks at configs as 1 item with a quantity of X per cfg. This may explain your disparity.
    As far as the assembly stats go, I don't know what's causing the difference there.

    Malcolm_Tempt, Nov 26, 2003
  5. Tom Chasteen

    Tom Chasteen Guest

    All the time!


    Tom Chasteen, Nov 27, 2003
  6. Tom Chasteen

    kellnerp Guest

    You were getting snippy?? Didn't notice. :)

    There was a presentation at one of the WMUG meetings about BOM counts and
    how to get the right stuff. If you look at the WMUG website (which I have
    forgotten the location to) you should still find the VB code and

    If you want to see snippy see what happens with purchasing when the BOM is

    kellnerp, Nov 28, 2003
  7. Tom Chasteen

    Tom Chasteen Guest

    My point exactly!!!


    Tom Chasteen, Nov 29, 2003
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