Assembly Reference Problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nick, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. Nick

    Nick Guest

    I recently reorganized all of our Solidworks files. Previously they
    were all in one large windows explorer folder, consisting of
    approximately 3400 files (parts, assembly, and their corresponding
    drawings). I realized that this is not a good thing to do and I moved
    the files into a number of folders. I put the first 250 part numbers
    in one folder along with the drawings associated with those parts. I
    made another folder for the next 250 part numbers and their drawings
    and continued this until all the part and assembly files had been
    moved. I did this thinking that I could open the upper level
    assemblies, tell Solidworks where to find the parts, and save the
    assembly redefining the file paths within the assembly document.

    It appeared as though this did not redefine the file paths in the
    assembly document and I had to browse for the files each time I tried
    to open the assemblies. Next, I went to the Solidworks system options
    and added all of the new folders I had created under file locations -
    referenced documents. Then I went to external references under the
    Solidworks system options and checked the box that says search file
    locations for external references. This works for me and I am able to
    open up the assemblies and Solidworks finds all of the files within the
    assembly, although it seems to be slightly slower in opening them then
    it used to be.

    The problem I have happens when I tried to check some of the assemblies
    into PDM. When I check the assembly in and it is "searching" it takes
    a very long time. For example, an assembly with 8 different simple
    parts and drawings took 20 minutes to "search." I made the assumption
    that this is happening because it is having trouble finding all the
    different files within the different folders. Does anyone have any
    ideas on how to solve this problem?

    We have been keeping two copies of a lot of the part files. The parts
    and weldments that need to be sent to vendors to order we have been
    checking in to PDM to keep them under revision control. But we've been
    working out of the windows explorer folders on a day to day basis for a
    couple different reasons. We purchased PDM after we had created most
    of these parts so it would be very time consuming to check in every one
    of these files. We also keep changing things too often to be checking
    them in and out of PDM all of the time.

    I know that this is a messy way of doing it, but I am having trouble
    thinking of a better way to do it. I would appreciate any comments on
    this situation. Thank you in advance for your help.
    Nick, Jul 10, 2006
  2. Nick

    Mr. Who Guest

    I'm guessing here - but I'm thinking that if you haven't resaved your
    assemblies then it goes looking through all your referenced locations
    everytime you do something with them. if you resave your assemblies
    (perhaps by using SW Task Scheduler) then the problem may go away?

    Any other ideas out there?
    Mr. Who, Jul 11, 2006
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