Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest


    I'm doing some automated testing that touches on the CTRL-Q thing. It
    is not clear that rebuilding all vs just rebuilding the top level is
    faster or slower in assemblies. I posted some preliminary results on
    Dan Bovinich's mailing list in graph form. One thing that really blew
    me away was the dependence of rebuild time on pattern part count and
    how it dropped after patterns exceeded some 200 instances when doing
    top level rebuilds.

    Another thing I have noticed from benchmarking that has been done in
    the last few days is that certain benchmark's results are faster or
    slower on different CPUs so that one CPU isn't across the board faster
    or slower than another.

    TOP, Jun 8, 2007
  2. TOP

    TOP Guest


    I also found something bizarre. In my testing rebuild times suddenly
    got faster after about 200 items in a circular pattern. Didn't think
    much of it. But after looking closer, SW was simply not patterning
    more than about 999 items. When the count jumped from 512 to 1024 in
    my program SW simply didn't add any more to the pattern and so the
    rebuild time dropped. I checked this manually too.


    P.S. Still might be user error here, there is one more thing to check.
    TOP, Jun 8, 2007
  3. TOP

    Dale Dunn Guest


    I agree that ctrl-Q does nothing for an assembly. However, there is a
    method that is only available through the API:

    'forces rebuild of top assembly and all subassemblies
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim Model As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Sub main()
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set Model = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Model.ForceRebuild3 (False)
    End Sub

    I'm not sure if this is a regular rebuild of each assembly, or a ctrl-Q
    rebuild or what, but it definitely takes a non-trivial amount of time.

    I have also found on occasion that opening an assembly causes a more
    thorough rebuild than during normal editing. For example, I can work on an
    assembly, save and close, then re-open, and I'll have new rebuild errors.
    To me, this highlights the fact that SW really doesn't have a good grip on
    what needs to be rebuilt and what doesn't. We wait through unnecessary
    rebuilds all the time, and go without necessary rebuilds quite often. SW
    seems to be taking a "best guess" when it comes to marking things for
    rebuild when it should be possible to "know" when things have actually
    Dale Dunn, Jun 8, 2007
  4. TOP

    TOP Guest

  5. TOP

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Dale Dunn, Jun 8, 2007
  6. TOP

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Ok, That's a little different from mine as far as rebuild is concerned. It
    doesn't seem to rebuild subassemblies and components. Setting ForceRebuild3
    to FALSE would make the difference.
    Dale Dunn, Jun 8, 2007
  7. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Some more thoughts on this assembly.

    I cleaned it up so it would save and rebuild halfway decently. Then we
    added a subassembly to it. The assembly had about 1,600 components
    prior to adding the 3,600 part subassembly. The subassembly will
    rebuild on it's own in about 3/8 of a second and a full rebuild takes
    2 seconds. The main assembly will rebuild in about 27 seconds without
    the new subassembly and in 56 seconds with it. The full rebuild time
    on the main assembly goes from 66 seconds to 211 seconds. One has to
    wonder why adding an assembly that rebuilds in 3/8 of a second to
    another assembly causes rebuild time to balloon from 27 seconds to 56

    TOP, Jun 19, 2007
  8. TOP

    Bo Guest

    Maybe efficient coding is not there?

    Bo, Jun 19, 2007
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