Assembly drawing super slow, please help.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    I have an assy drawing that consist of 4 sheets.

    The sheets consist of:

    1st sheet
    1 main view
    4 detail views

    2nd sheet
    1 main view
    5 detail views

    3rd sheet
    2 main views
    1st main view with 4 detail views
    2nd main view with 1 detail view

    4th sheet
    2 main views
    1 detail view on each main view

    This drawing is VERY slow to work with. Example, when changing the
    scale of a detail view, it takes 20-25 seconds to update. Dragging
    notes or balloons takes seconds, when it should be instant.

    The assy consist of 415 components.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    I even tried creating a seperate drawing file for each sheet, but the
    individual files still seem very slow.
    SW Monkey, Jul 14, 2005
  2. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    You call that slow? You ain't seen nuthin. You can't even take a powder
    and get a cup of coffee in that time.

    Bet you want some practical advice too. This is what helped me:

    1. Remove all fasteners from the assembly unless absolutely needed.
    2. Have configurations for parts with fine detail removed.
    3. Make sure that all mates are robust and cherry free.
    4. Hide all complex views you aren't working on at the time
    5. Work in shaded mode and draft mode till you absolutely must have it
    the other way.
    TOP, Jul 14, 2005
  3. SW Monkey

    Brian Guest

    What video card are you using? Going from a std consumer type card to a
    fire gl T-2 was the best $200 we ever spent on hardware. Even if you have a
    good card, its worth trying different drivers, if even only to eliminate
    them as a cause.

    Monitor task manager. Check your memory useage. If "Commit charge
    total">("physical memory total"-"physical memory available") by more that
    20-30 meg then you are probably using virtual memory and need additional

    Turn off the system-drawing options for smooth dynamic motion and show
    box contents while dragging, unless you have to have them at the time.
    Ensure that your document properties image quality has not been messed with
    (ie. you turned it all the way up so that you could select a vertex that was
    being a PITA, but forgot to return it to a reasonable value).

    If any of your drawing views are shaded, check to see if any of the
    visual properties have been altered. Optical properties other than default
    are resource hogs. Check to see that no materials or textures have been
    added unless required. I think someone has a macro that resets all visual
    properties and assigns random colors to each components that might be useful

    I can't fully understand this one, but, fonts other than standard
    windows/sw ones seem to cause me lots of problems even when TT.

    Create a new configuration for your assembly and place a fresh view of
    it on a new sheet. Supress components in groups to see if its an issue with
    a single sub-assembly or component. I have an actuall full model of 2 1/2"
    diameter 10" length perforated tubing, 3/16" holes on 3/8" centers,
    staggered pattern made from sheet metal. It will bring any system to its

    Not better? Try unsupressing all components and supressing all mates
    (provided you do not need dynamic motion or require further updating). Fix
    all components.

    Good luck!
    Brian, Jul 14, 2005
  4. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Thanks TOP and Brian for some nice tips. We already do a bunch of
    them, but some are new to me.

    One thing I wish they had is a "2D" mode. Even though drawings are 2D,
    SolidWorks still has the 3D model loaded in the background. This mode
    would let you work in 2D, and if the model is changed, you then have to
    update your views. This might not be possible with SolidWorks, but it
    would speed up drawings greatly.
    SW Monkey, Jul 15, 2005
  5. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    The question you have to ask about this is how do you get the 2D data?
    It has to be generated from and driven by the 3D data. Especially
    things like intersections of curved surfaces simply don't have a 2D
    TOP, Jul 15, 2005
  6. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Correct. But after it grabs the information from the 3D model, then
    convert it to 2D so you can work with it must faster. If the model is
    changed, then the drawing will update the data.

    What bugs me is when I do a simple detailed view. Sometimes edrawing
    viewer see the entire model at the scale of the detail view, instead of
    the windows detail you want displayed. Now im getting into viewer
    problems, but if the drawing was simpley a 2D lines, then you wouldnt
    have that problem.

    Just a thought, maybe its very complicated to do...
    SW Monkey, Jul 15, 2005
  7. I haven't tried this at all, but what about using Detached drawings? The
    whole idea there is to work on the drawing without the overhead of loading
    the model.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 15, 2005
  8. Sounds like detached model would your solution. It has worked very well for
    me. See the posts on "detached model" elsewhere in this group.


    Dennis Deacon, Jul 17, 2005
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