assembly BOM issues

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by NOT REALLY ME, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. I have an a 3 configuration assembly. I'm wanting to do one drawing with
    all 3 configs. The drawing views are of only one of the configs. When I
    insert the BOM (not excel based) I pick the 3 configs I want included. The
    'same' part just different configs shows up as different item numbers. Let
    me explain a bit better, say it is a door assembly, the 3 configs are of
    different size doors. On the bill of material the 3 sizes are shown with the
    qty required for each config at the right end of the BOM. The problem is
    that the 3 configs are called items 1,2 & 3 which means when I place
    balloons I get just the item number for the door that is actually shown. I
    want the before mentioned items 1,2 & 3 to all be called out as item 1 (same
    part just different configs). I seem to remember doing this before using
    the SW BOM but for the life of me I can't get it to work now. I've think
    I've tried all the combinations of picks in the BOM properties dialogue.
    Can anyone help me?
    NOT REALLY ME, Dec 13, 2006

    ParaCAD Guest

    If the all the parts in the configurations are the same other than the
    sizes, Why can't you just show the BOM referencing just one of the
    configurations. And you want all 3 configs to be item 1....correct?
    Also if you do choose all three configs when creating the BOM. I
    believe you can click, I think its, "BOM Content" (this is from bad
    memory:) and hide line items you choose.
    Now I'm confusing myself. Another thought. Are you wanting all 3
    configurations to be in the BOM, but they all be called item 1???

    Or you may have to create custom balloons so they read "1"

    You may need to try and explain it differently..i'm not even sure what
    I stated above is remotely close to what you asking..sorry
    ParaCAD, Dec 13, 2006
  3. I'll answer my on have to check "Display as one item number"
    and "Display configurations of the same part as separate items" and most
    importantly (in SW 2006 anyway) you have to do this when inserting the BOM
    originally. It dosn't seem to work on an existing BOM.

    As far as your reply, ParaCAD... I have to show all the configs on the BOM
    so the assemblers will know what part numbers go with what assembly. I
    would rather have seperate drawing for the 3 configs but I'm not the boss.
    Note that there are different parts for each assembly.

    thanks for the quick reply though,
    NOT REALLY ME, Dec 13, 2006

    james Guest

    Use DBWorks PDM... It allow full control of the configs so you can clearly
    control them in your BOM
    james, Dec 15, 2006
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