
Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Erik Wanta, Jan 27, 2004.

  1. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I want to define a data access function for the zref() function for a
    simulator other than spectre.

    I have the following data access function:
    procedure( dazref(specifier dataDir simData)

    wave = asiGetDrlData("element" list(concat("port0"))

    I define it:
    asiDefineDataAccessFunction(asiGetTool('analog) 'zref 'dazref)

    I check to see that it is defined:
    daf = asiGetDataAccessFunction(asiGetTool('analog) 'zref)

    I call zref(1) and dazref doesn't get called?? Any ideas why not?

    Note I tried asiGetTool(asiGetCurrentSession()) instead of
    asiGetTool('analog) also.
    Erik Wanta, Jan 27, 2004
  2. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    It seems I need to rebuild the cxt to test this.
    Erik Wanta, Jan 27, 2004
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