Asbuilt-Cad Services

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ray, Mar 1, 2004.

  1. Ray

    Ray Guest

    I specialize in as-built drawings. I create working drawings for space
    planning, lease documentation, for construction documents for
    remodeling jobs, I also provide CAD drafting services too. I provide
    all this for a fraction of what an architect would charge. I will
    travel around Houston area and surrounding areas. If you have any
    questions please free free to e-mail me at or
    see my web site @
    Ray, Mar 1, 2004

  2. You should consider proof reading your site. The grammatical errors will
    probably scare away anyone actually considering hiring you (of course,
    spamming newsgroups doesn't help either).

    Michael (LS)
    Michael \(LS\), Mar 1, 2004
  3. Ray

    CW Guest

    Agreed. The first page alone just screamed "fly by night".
    CW, Mar 2, 2004
  4. Ray

    Bigjobs Guest

    The main reason that I have not built a site of my own yet (even
    though I own the url) is in case it turns out something like this.

    Bigjobs, Mar 2, 2004
  5. Ray

    longshot Guest

    yeah, the reason I don't have a website is cause I can't spell either. :O)
    longshot, Mar 2, 2004
  6. Ray

    biswaroop Guest

    Agreed there was a problem with his website designing. Instead of
    criticising you could have helped him. He is providing services and
    not selling something.


    biswaroop todi
    biswaroop, Mar 3, 2004
  7. WHAT? Sure he's selling something. It was UCE (Unsolicited Commercial
    Email) which is a violation of most (if not all) hosting companies TOS/AUP
    (Terms Of Services/Acceptable Use Policy). You might want to re-read your
    hosts policies, because even they again it's a violation and they have a
    "zero tolerance" policy.

    Here's a portion of Pugmarks Anti-Spam policy:
    Pugmarks has zero tolerance for Unsolicited Broadcast Email and Unsolicited
    Commercial Email "UBE/UCE" commonly known as "Spam" whether originating from
    customers, from customers'' customers, or from customers that provide
    services which are used to support UBE/UCE.

    Pugmarks defines UBE/UCE as unsolicited broadcast or commercial email that
    is sent to addresses that do not affirmatively and verifiably request such
    material from that specific sender, including but not limited to
    advertising, surveys, information pieces, third party spamming, website
    addresses, sales, and auctions.


    Michael (LS)
    Michael \(LS\), Mar 3, 2004
  8. Ray

    Dennis Guest

    Me too!
    Dennis, Mar 7, 2004
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