Artist states and include files

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by phil.jones2000, May 1, 2007.

  1. I wish to use include files with Analog Artist to access features of
    the simulator (Eldo) not available through the GUI. I also prefer
    typing control files to all the clicking!
    Without a path such an include file is stored alongside the simulation
    data which isn't great as the simulation data is transitory and isn't
    generally considered part of the design.
    I would prefer for the include file to be stored with the state data
    as this seems logical - this is where I stumble. Manually entering a
    path is a pain - files will end up all over the place.

    Is there a machanism to support this? The only state related functions
    I can find only launch the load/save windows.

    Is there a function that returns the name of the most recently loaded
    state and its location? Is it possible to trigger a function on state
    save/load to bring in additonal data?
    phil.jones2000, May 1, 2007
  2. Okay - I have found ways of determining the current state and its
    location by overloading the sevLoadState and related functions thanks
    to this post:

    Are functions such as aaAddEventCB and sevLoadStateFromForm documented

    Also, it seems that the entire contents of the state directory are
    obliterated when a state is re-saved (making it difficult to stash
    additional data here). Is this correct?


    phil.jones2000, May 3, 2007
  3. phil.jones2000

    John Gianni Guest

    Sorry I haven't perused comp.cad.cadence in a long while ... but I
    happened to notice this user request from earlier this month regarding
    the documentation & support status of aaAddEventCB() and
    sevLoadStateFromForm() SKILL functions.

    The best answer is to let you know that you can easily determine the
    support status of any SKILL function merely by putting that function
    into a properly formatted file and mailing that file to a certain
    email address at Cadence.

    The automated result, generally by return mail, will provide not only
    the status of the functions, but also a plethora of useful information
    about the functions, specifically whether any have been deleted or
    changed (with argument pre and post differences) between releases, and
    in what releases, replacement equivalents, helpful advice, etc.

    The simplest way to create that properly formatted file is to press
    the Virtuoso CIW: Tools -> SKILL -> Survey button; and then, when the
    resultant three files are generated (named skillTab.defn,, & skillTab.out), to click on the button to email the
    summary file (i.e., skillTab.out) to Cadence for automated analysis by
    return email.

    Notice it takes only two mouse clicks, plus filling in two simple
    forms, to complete both operations. This will result in you knowing
    EVERY function you've called, every function you've defined, where you
    called them, where you defined them, and the status of every one of
    those functions, in every Virtuoso release from IC440 onward including
    the latest Virtuoso IC61 releases. That's less effort (IMHO) than it
    takes to type this response. :)

    In addition, you can run the SKILL Finder to locate the short-form
    documentation on any function (in addition to a search in the full
    Cadence documentation system). The SKILL Finder is located at CIW:
    Tools -> SKILL -> Finder

    Having said that, specifically the two functions you noted above are
    listed as private. Private functions are undocumented & unsupported
    SKILL functions generally not intended for use by Customers. There is
    a private-function-resolution process which Cadence Customer Support
    can kick into gear for you which will work with you to provide a
    solution to your needs which uses fully documented & supported SKILL

    As always, I hope this response helps many others, in addition to the
    John Gianni
    John Gianni, May 8, 2007
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