arrow at end

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Joe Burke, Jul 16, 2003.

  1. Joe Burke

    Joe Burke Guest

    Following is my first stab at using/understanding the vlax-curve functions.
    Any feedback regarding how I might put them to better use would be
    appreciated, as usual.

    The part I found difficult was dealing with vlax-curve-getPointAtDist. Since
    the distance is from start point, I felt like I was jumping through hoops to
    find the distance from end point.

    The point of the program is draw an arrow (a solid) at the end of a line,
    pline or arc. Which end depends on where the user picks. The arc option is
    what motivated me. Making the arrow align correctly on an arc. I guess those
    who know will understand the rest. BTW, it works OK as is given limited

    ;Joe Burke 7/16/2003
    (defun c:ArrowEnd ( / Ent PkPt Vobj DimScale StPt EnPt
    TotLen Dist CurvePt Ang p1 p2 p3)

    (setq Ent
    (entsel "\nSelect line, pline or arc near end to place arrow: "))
    (or (null Ent)
    (/= "LINE" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car Ent)))))
    (/= "ARC" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car Ent)))))
    (/= "LWPOLYLINE" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car Ent)))))
    (setq Ent
    (entsel "\nMissed pick or wrong object type - try again: "))
    ) ;while

    (setq PkPt (cadr Ent)) ;pick point
    (setq Vobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car Ent)))
    (setq DimScale (getvar "dimscale"))
    (setq TotLen (vlax-curve-getDistAtParam Vobj
    (vlax-curve-getEndParam Vobj)))
    (setq StPt (vlax-curve-getStartPoint Vobj))
    (setq EnPt (vlax-curve-getEndPoint Vobj))
    (if (< (distance StPt PkPt) (distance EnPt PkPt))
    (progn ;from curve start
    (setq Dist (* DimScale 0.15625))
    (setq p1 StPt)
    (progn ;else from curve end
    (setq Dist (- TotLen (* DimScale 0.15625)))
    (setq p1 EnPt)
    ) ;if
    (setq CurvePt (vlax-curve-getPointAtDist Vobj Dist))
    (if CurvePt
    (setq Ang (angle p1 CurvePt))
    (setq p2 (polar CurvePt (+ Ang (/ pi 2)) (* DimScale 0.02604)))
    (setq p3 (polar CurvePt (- Ang (/ pi 2)) (* DimScale 0.02604)))
    (entmake (list '(0 . "Solid")
    (cons 10 p1)
    (cons 11 p2)
    (cons 12 p3)
    (cons 13 p3))) ;entmake
    ) ;progn
    (princ "\nCannot place arrow on object ") ;else
    ) ;if
    ) ;end
    Joe Burke, Jul 16, 2003
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