argh! Slider DCL problems

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by liftedaxis, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. liftedaxis

    liftedaxis Guest

    I have a fairly simple dialog box, for now, just pretend all that it has is an editbox, a slider, and an ok_cancel row.
    When I change the text in the editbox, and then click either Ok or Cancel, the editbox's action fires, verifying the name uniqueness. Yet when I go directly from the editbox to the slider, the slider's action fires, but *not* the editbox's. So the user could change the text in the editbox, alter the slider's value, and then hit Ok, without the code verifying the editbox's name uniqueness. argh!
    any thoughts? is this a bug?
    liftedaxis, Nov 18, 2004
  2. liftedaxis

    Dommy2Hotty Guest

    Could you please post your code?
    Dommy2Hotty, Nov 18, 2004
  3. liftedaxis

    liftedaxis Guest

    something like this:

    (action_tile "editbox" "(NameChange $value)")
    (action_tile "slider1" "(SetSlider1)")

    (defun NameChange (valuex)

    (defun SetSlider1 (/ newvalue)
    ) ; cond
    (set_tile "slider1" newvalue)
    ) ; SetSlider1
    liftedaxis, Nov 18, 2004
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