Are SW2004 Files Compatible with SW2001 ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Declan Hughes, Nov 4, 2003.

  1. Hello,

    we have SW2004 and a student that opens files in SW2004 created in SW2001,
    and then saves them, finds that they cannot be then opened with SW2001. Is it
    possible to save in SW2004 such that SW2001 can then open the file ?

    Thank you,

    Declan Hughes

    (please remove abc if replying by email)
    Declan Hughes, Nov 4, 2003
  2. no, you can't open SW files in previous versions.
    some third-party software developers are working on this.
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Nov 4, 2003
  3. Declan Hughes

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    It IS possible, however the "translation" comes with the expense of
    losing the feature history of the native SolidWorks parts.

    In order to read the files with backward compatibility, SW2004 should
    write copies to be saved as Parasolids format. An option to be set
    during the translation is for the version of Parasolids. If the
    default version 14 is used, then SW2001 will NOT read the file. It's
    safe to use version 11, for example.

    IGES, STEP and ACIS are among other formats which can accomplish the
    same backwards translation, but Parasolids is the most efficient in my

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Nov 4, 2003
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