Are stand & rollfeed for HP450C & HP330 interchangable ?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Walt Mather, Jul 10, 2003.

  1. Walt Mather

    Walt Mather Guest

    Are stand & rollfeed for HP450C & HP330 interchangeable ?

    As some of you know, I picked up a used 450C that really isn't going to cut
    it. The stand, media bin & roll feed seem fine though. My 330 is still
    working (sort of) in that it will plot but I have to manually lift the front
    bail bar (wire broke) during loading process.

    Question: I'm probably eventually going to get a new 430 and use the stand
    & roll feed from the 450 with it. In the meantime, can I attach the 450's
    stand & rollfeed to my 330 and just cut the paper after (these are just a
    bunch of check plots for my own use)? It sure looks like it will work. I
    realize I'd still have to manually lift the bail on the 330 when first
    loading the roll, but wouldn't it work ok for the rest of the roll since
    there wouldn't be any need for the bail to lift ?

    Walt Mather, Jul 10, 2003
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