Arcs on arbitrary plans

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by antmjr, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. antmjr

    antmjr Guest

    hi all. I don't understand the way autocad draws an arc on arbitrary plans; i'm writing an application that reads the drawing, changes something and draws it again.
    antmjr, Jun 8, 2004
  2. James Belshan, Jun 8, 2004
  3. antmjr

    antmjr Guest

    thank you so much! everything it's clear now; i could never come by my own to the sophistication of choosing the WCS y-axis rather the WCS z-axis according to the closeness of the Normal vector to the positive portion of the WCS z-axis
    - - -
    by the way, could you explain to me another correlated question? When i pick an arc with UCS/New/Object command, (or in autolisp with netselp)i get two different user coord. system (with the same z-axis in any case), according to the fact i pick close to one end of the arc or to the other.
    'bye, antonio
    antmjr, Jun 8, 2004
  4. by the way, could you explain to me another correlated question?

    Actually, yes, I just found your answer. The help file for the UCS command
    explains how ACAD calculates the X & Y axis when you choose By Object, and
    why you get different UCS depending on where on the arc you choose. I had
    to click on a little link on the help page that said "Show all Topics" to
    see this stuff (using ACAD 2002).

    Good luck,

    James Belshan, Jun 10, 2004
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