Architectural Drafting Efficiency

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by andy drafter, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. andy drafter

    andy drafter Guest

    Does anyone know of any online resources for efficiently using AutoCAD 2004 (not ADT) for architectural drafting.
    Specifically, I'm interested in strategies concerning, sheet organization, xrefs etc. For instance I use a "master" bldg file that I xref to other sheets for floor plans, elevations, sections, site plan etc. I try to do most of my set up and drawing in this one file.

    Some of my drafting I will do in the secondary set; like electrical plans on top of the xrefed file. Since I work alone I'm curious in trying to find out what other drafters do to become more efficient in producing construction documents and the strategies they implement to achieve this.

    Head in the sand drafter
    andy drafter, Apr 16, 2004
  2. andy drafter

    David S. Guest

    So if I unserstand correctly you do use a template file?

    Do you have any sort of Layer standard system? such as the one from AIA?

    Are you familiar with the Design Center functionalites to save time? You can
    directly drag and drop :Layers, Blocks, DIMstyles, Textstyles, and Layouts
    (with page setup aswell as paperspace geometry) from existing drawings into
    your new one.

    I don't know if you had time to check out AutoCAD 2005, but it does exactly
    what you are talking about. The new SSM (Sheet Set Manager) let's you
    organize drawing sets composing of different layouts and create links
    between them in real time. The new Fields option also let's you input
    project specific information or drawing specific information directly in
    your drawings and updates them automaticaly if changes are made. for example
    they work great in titleblocks and for section and elevation marks.

    If you haven't allready you should defenitly check it out!

    Yours Truly,
    David Shabat

    2004 (not ADT) for architectural drafting.
    xrefs etc. For instance I use a "master" bldg file that I xref to other
    sheets for floor plans, elevations, sections, site plan etc. I try to do
    most of my set up and drawing in this one file.
    on top of the xrefed file. Since I work alone I'm curious in trying to find
    out what other drafters do to become more efficient in producing
    construction documents and the strategies they implement to achieve this.
    David S., Apr 16, 2004
  3. Andy:

    Where are you located/ Email me privately - what type of projects, etc.. I
    work alone also and have developed what I think are some really neat
    efficiencies for a one-man shop, but probably the only way to illustrate
    that would be to send you a set of files of an old project.

    What you describe sounds like you are on the right tract.

    2004 (not ADT) for architectural drafting.
    xrefs etc. For instance I use a "master" bldg file that I xref to other
    sheets for floor plans, elevations, sections, site plan etc. I try to do
    most of my set up and drawing in this one file.
    on top of the xrefed file. Since I work alone I'm curious in trying to find
    out what other drafters do to become more efficient in producing
    construction documents and the strategies they implement to achieve this.
    Marshall Caudle, Apr 16, 2004
  4. andy drafter

    andy drafter Guest


    Thanks but I don't have your email address. Mine is:

    andy drafter, Apr 16, 2004
  5. andy drafter

    andy drafter Guest


    I usually use my last set of drawings as a template due to the fact that I am always tweaking my system. Yes, I use AIA layering and I am finding that more layers works better for my system because I can turn on and off more entities and have better control of the xref in the secondary file.

    I haven't used design center or tool pallettes. I have many blocks in directories and find it pretty easy to go get objects I need from there but maybe I'm missing out with these newer tools.

    andy drafter, Apr 16, 2004
  6. andy drafter

    Anne Brown Guest

    Marshall's email address shows on the newsgroup reader (NNTP)
    side of the groups as Marshall Caudle <>
    Anne Brown, Apr 16, 2004
  7. andy drafter

    Rudy Tovar Guest

    How's about try MASi at http://www.Cadentity.Com

    Productive utilities, MASi (Modulated Architectural Systems, innovated!)

    Product Overview


    Authorized Developer

    2004 (not ADT) for architectural drafting.
    xrefs etc. For instance I use a "master" bldg file that I xref to other
    sheets for floor plans, elevations, sections, site plan etc. I try to do
    most of my set up and drawing in this one file.
    on top of the xrefed file. Since I work alone I'm curious in trying to find
    out what other drafters do to become more efficient in producing
    construction documents and the strategies they implement to achieve this.
    Rudy Tovar, Apr 21, 2004
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