How do I draw an arc when all I know is the arc length and radius?
Well the way I would do it... (there is probably an easier way) I would draw a circle to get the radius. Get the circumference. Divide the circumference by the distance you need. Draw a line. Copy/rotate the line to the degrees you need. Rick
L/R = Delta So if your length = 39.27, and the radius = 25.00, then the delta would be 39.27/25 = 1.5708r (or 90 degrees). Once you know that, here is one way. Start the ARC command and follow these prompts: Command: ARC Specify start point of arc or : C Specify center point of arc: ---->pick center point Specify start point of arc: @25<0 ---->enter start point Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: A ---->angle option Specify included angle: 90 ---->specify the angle
(one way) Arc length = radius * angle in radians angle in radians = arc length / radius angle in degrees = angle in radians * 180 / 3.1416 draw a circle with the radius you want. draw two lines from the center of the circle, separated by the angle you want trim the circle with the lines to get your arc
i just used the arc command to do this. a 36' arc with a radius of 25' Command: arc Specify start point of arc or :s Specify second point of arc or [Center/End]: c Specify center point of arc: 25' Specify end point of arc or [Angle/chord Length]: l Specify length of chord: 36' Pau
OP had two variables, radius and ARC length. The arc command requires CHORD length. In your example a 25' R arc with a Chord length of 36' would have an arc length of 40.19'. It would still need to be lengthened or shortened as the case may be to achieve the desired arc length.