Arc Leader

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by LKeng, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. LKeng

    LKeng Guest

    I am looking for a way to create a leader using an arc. I want the
    arrowhead to follow the arc if the arc is moved or resized much like
    any other leader would function. The only options for leaders are line
    and spline.....Any ideas??
    LKeng, Oct 16, 2006
  2. LKeng

    Jiro Guest

    First try
    I have a old lisp program called leader.lsp that draws
    a curved or straight leader. It requires a dcl and sld
    program so I would have to attach them, if you want.
    Jiro, Oct 16, 2006
  3. Please do! I could definitely use that!
    SteelCityMetal, Oct 17, 2006
  4. LKeng

    Mark Guest

    Try It places with
    leaders with predefined, variable or incrementing text. The leaders can
    be arcs or standard leaders. If need be I could put an arrowhead at the
    end of the arc. Making the objects dynamic is another possibility. The
    software is free for 30 days, fully functional.

    Mark, Oct 18, 2006
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