aptivia menu

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Erik Wanta, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    I have aptivia 3.2 installed. I can run from the command line, but I
    can't get the Aptivia menu in the CIW or in the Schematic Composer
    Tools menu. Am I supposed to load something to get the menus? I see
    that acv.cxt is getting loaded.

    I am running IC
    Erik Wanta, Sep 28, 2003
  2. Erik Wanta

    Partha Guest

    I recollect that you need to set ACV_ROOT variable to the aptivia install dir.
    Partha, Sep 29, 2003
  3. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    Is there a standard/documented set of environment variables for the stream root?

    Erik Wanta, Sep 29, 2003
  4. Erik,

    Most of the streams don't need an envronment variable to indicate where their
    root is - they fathom it out using the "cds_root" mechanism from the path.

    However, Assura requires this (using the ASSURAHOME env var),
    as does Aptivia (ACV_ROOT). I've complained about the ASSURAHOME one for
    some time, because it really should be unnecessary. Aptivia is forgiveable
    because it is relatively new to the Cadence stable and sometimes
    getting rid of these legacy requirements takes a little while.

    There is no need for env vars for the IC and LDV streams, but people
    commonly define an env var in order to reference libraries included with
    that stream. CDSHOME, LDVHOME and AMSHOME are commonly used
    for this, but then again I've also seen CDSROOT, LDVROOT used. There's
    an upcoming mechanism in the cds.lib file which will avoid the need for
    env vars for this purpose anyway.

    CDS_INST_DIR is an env var that people often used to use to point
    to the Cadence installation back when everything was in a single FIRM
    release - and it had special meaning to the tools. It didn't make much
    sense in a multi-stream environment and so the special interpretation
    has been removed, _except_ in the cds.lib and setup.loc files, where
    it means the installation associated with the executable which is reading the
    file (e.g. if it is being read by icfb, it means the IC stream containing that;
    if it is being read by ncvlog, then it means the LDV stream containing that,
    etc). It no longer (from IC445 onwards) is interpreted as an environment


    Andrew Beckett, Sep 30, 2003
  5. Erik Wanta

    Erik Wanta Guest

    Please provide more information on the following:
    What is the mechanism and what is the PCR number?
    Erik Wanta, Sep 30, 2003
  6. Hi Erik,

    I'm out for a few days, so I'll respond to this when I get back (or if I
    have a chance in the evenings).

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 30, 2003
  7. Sorry for the late reply.

    Anyway, not sure of the PCR number without searching, but that's not so important since the new mechanism is in IC5033 (due out at the end of Oct).

    Here's the new syntax forms you can put in cds.lib, setup.loc etc files:

    DEFINE analogLib $(inst_root_with:tools/dfII/bin/icfb)/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/analogLib

    This expression is interpreted as the root of the first installation hierarchy found in your $PATH
    which contains the path relative to the installation root (i.e. the bit after the inst_root_with).

    Now, it's a bit wordy, but the idea is that if you had both LDV and IC streams in your path, the
    LDV stream would still be able to find the library because it knew to look for icfb in the

    DEFINE analogLib $(compute:THIS_TOOL_INST_ROOT)/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/analogLib

    This resolves the path relative to the installation tree for the tool you are _running_. So an LDV
    tool would resolve it relative to the LDV tree (and hence fail, because that library is not
    in the LDV tree).

    This one is essentially the same as using $CDS_INST_DIR and is included for completeness.

    DEFINE myLib $(compute:THIS_FILE_INST_ROOT)/somewhere/or/other/myLib

    This one resolves relative to the installation that the cds.lib file that contains this is in. In practice
    this one is only useful for Cadence, because the file needs to be in the installation hierarchy.
    Currently we don't use this, and library paths referenced in cds.lib files which come in the installations
    are using relative paths, and hence we don't currently have a problem here.

    This one is also included for completeness; whilst the changes to support the first were
    being made, we added some other forms in case they prove useful at some point.


    Andrew Beckett, Oct 16, 2003
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