Applyinig a picture or text to a surface

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jaeger, Aug 2, 2007.

  1. Jaeger

    Jaeger Guest

    I've been trying to apply a picture from file and text to a curved surface.

    Anyone have some hints on how to do this?

    Much appreciated.
    Jaeger, Aug 2, 2007
  2. Jaeger

    mrw Guest

    Thats easy

    If you want to create text onto a surface then you can use the "wrap"
    command. first create a sketch on a plane within the area of the
    surface and then use the wrap command to select the surface to wrap it

    To insert a picture onto a surface, curved or flat then you will have
    to create a new folder to store your images in. Then in the "options"
    dialog choose "file locations" and add this new folder to the
    "textures" option.

    In your part right click the surface and choose face, appearance,
    textures. In the texture dialog choose your new folder then pick your
    image, scale and rotation can be adjusted to suit. There may be a
    quicker method but thats the only one that I know.
    mrw, Aug 2, 2007
  3. Jaeger

    Jaeger Guest


    The picture was really eluding me.
    Jaeger, Aug 10, 2007
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