Application to report RAM Usage?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tin Man, Apr 12, 2006.

  1. Tin Man

    Tin Man Guest

    We are thinking of having an application run in the background to
    prompt User once their RAM has max'ed out and their computer is paging
    to the hard drive. Or maybe prompt them once 80% of the RAM is being
    used so they are aware and can start thinking about a good time to shut
    down SolidWorks and restart.

    I saw a post one time that someone had written an application that
    would pop up a dialog box once a certain amout of RAM useage was
    reached, but I have been unable to find that post again? Does anyone
    remember what thread that was in?

    Tin Man, Apr 12, 2006
  2. Tin Man

    TOP Guest

    It is built into Windows. Look for Performance Monitor. It will record
    ram usage and then you can play it back. Since you have no direct
    control over memory usage why would you want user's to see this as they
    are working?

    Other than that why not look at TUCOWS?
    TOP, Apr 12, 2006
  3. Tin Man

    news Guest

    news, Apr 12, 2006
  4. Tin Man

    Tin Man Guest

    We have a lot of Users that just keep right on designing once they're
    into the paging file and even up to the ~1.3GB range where they will
    crash. What I was looking for was something to run silently in the
    background, then only pop up once a certain threshold of RAM usage has
    been reached. This is meant to be an early warning, something along the
    lines of "Your available RAM is getting low. Save and close SolidWorks
    before you crash." I am more interested in popping up a warning message
    then asking them to actually manually monitor the usage.

    Tin Man, Apr 13, 2006
  5. Tin Man

    TOP Guest

    TOP, Apr 13, 2006
  6. Tin Man

    John H Guest

    If they aren't taking any notice of the performance hit that must result
    when the system starts to use a page file, then I'm not sure they will pay
    attention to a pop-window either.....

    John Harland
    John H, Apr 13, 2006
  7. Tin Man

    John Layne Guest

    On my old system I used a programme called Cacheman, mainly to work with
    large PhotoWorks projects.

    It attempts to recover RAM when the the free RAM is below a certain user
    defined point, a pop up window informs you that free RAM is below this
    predefined point before it attempts the recovery.

    There is a free version of the software, which is what I used. It has saved
    me many a crash to desktop when working with PhotoWorks.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Apr 13, 2006
  8. Tin Man

    Tim Markoski Guest

    FreeRAM Xp Pro
    Tim Markoski, Apr 16, 2006
  9. Tin Man

    Navy Diver Guest

    SW does not use paging files. your max 2.6GB is all you can get from
    Windows 32bit [per application] no matter how much RAM you have
    Navy Diver, Apr 27, 2006
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