Append,Replace, and SubWindow Plotting on Wavescan

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by ecnedad, May 7, 2009.

  1. ecnedad

    ecnedad Guest

    Good morning!
    I'm just a beginner.
    Kindly please teach me what would be the environment variable to be
    set to have an Append, Replace, and SubWindow style of plotting on

    Hope anyone could help me.
    ecnedad, May 7, 2009
  2. ecnedad

    Riad KACED Guest


    The best way to learn this is to look at the documentation.
    The Cadence documents could be invoked by either cdsdoc or cdnshelp.
    the latter is far better.
    Otherwise, the docs are available in HTML/PDF from Unix at $CDSHOME/

    When it does apply, the docs have dedicated chapters to how to setup
    the tool options through environment variables.
    Here is an example that answers your question, based on IC5141:

    1. WaveScan User Guide ($CDSHOME/doc/wavescanug/wavescanug.pdf)
    Appendix A: WaveScan Environment Variables
    Look at variable : plotstyle
    wavescan.browser plotStyle string "Append" | "Replace" ...

    2. Virtuoso® Analog Design Environment User Guide ($CDSHOME/doc/
    Appendix A: Environment Variables
    Look at variable: artistPlottingMode
    envSetVal(“asimenv.plotting” “artistPlottingMode” ‘string ...

    Just follow the doc instructions and update either of
    your .cdsenv/.cdsinit/... files

    Hope this is helping you !
    Riad KACED, May 7, 2009
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