Apparent Interception

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by antoniomiranda, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. Hello,

    It's possible to with VBA, verify each elements 3D Aparent interseption (lines, polylines, 3dPoly,....)?

    I need to see the difference in Z of each elements interseption, and if thedifference i mare than 1 meter, insert one circle in that Aparent Interseption.

    Best regards,
    António Miranda
    antoniomiranda, Feb 2, 2004
  2. Hi,

    Yes, but not directly. Firstly you need to get the plan data and draw
    temporary lines - arcs and look their intersection. then delete them. You
    will also have to write code to interpret the levels at any points you find
    from the original 3D objects..


    Laurie Comerford


    It's possible to with VBA, verify each elements 3D Aparent interseption
    (lines, polylines, 3dPoly,....)?

    I need to see the difference in Z of each elements interseption, and if the
    difference i mare than 1 meter, insert one circle in that Aparent

    Best regards,
    António Miranda
    Laurie Comerford, Feb 2, 2004
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