[API] Treeview Checkboxes and PDMWorks Worksgroup in VB.NET

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nicolas Rubin, May 20, 2008.

  1. Hi All,

    I'm searching to fill a VB.NET Treeview with PDMWorks Workgroup Projects
    All nodes should have a checkbox, so I can select project one by one !

    Did you have something like this ?

    Many thanks in advance !

    Nicolas Rubin, May 20, 2008
  2. Sure :

    Dim instance As TreeView
    instance.CheckBoxes = true

    But when you traverse the PDMWorks projects, watch out because each
    project has :
    1) a Name which must be unique and set by administrator at project
    2) a Description which is displayed on the user user interfaces.

    So you'll have a problem with a simple TreeView, because if you show
    Names, they won't correspond to what users are used to see, and if you
    show Descriptions, you'll have to scan the projects to find the
    corresponding ones, and even worse, different projects might have the
    same description

    Welcome to the wonderful world of PDMWorks API programming,
    Nicolas ;-)
    Philippe Guglielmetti, May 20, 2008
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