API: SelectByID woes

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Corey Scheich, Oct 20, 2004.

  1. I am creating an app to make a custom BOM that I will use on our parts
    manual. Mostly because there are times when you want some sub-assemblies
    but not all. I am trying to reselect the component that the balloon is
    attached to so that if I close the program it can repopulate the work that
    has already been done. To do this I named the balloon note so that it can
    be parsed it contains
    a word so that I know it was created by the macro
    the count which should be the same as the balloon's item number
    The origional component name
    and the number of parents up from the origional component that is desired in
    the bom.

    all is going well but I can't figure out how to reselect the origional
    I tried the following

    Loc = BalloonNote.GetAttachPos
    Retval = DocExt.SelectByID("", "COMPONENT", Loc(0), Loc(1), Loc(2), False,
    1, Nothing)

    In theory this should select the component under the selection point which
    is the arrow point of the balloon this actually selected something

    Loc = BalloonNote.GetAttachPos
    Retval = DocExt.SelectByID("140245-1", "COMPONENT", Loc(0), Loc(1), Loc(2),
    False, 1, Nothing)

    again in theory it should select the component using it's name but it is a
    sub component this selected nothing, so I also tried,

    Loc = BalloonNote.GetAttachPos
    Retval = DocExt.SelectByID("SomeSubAsm\140245-1", "COMPONENT", Loc(0),
    Loc(1), Loc(2), False, 1, Nothing)

    which is the same thing just it is using the full component name. this also
    selected nothing

    after each of these I used
    Dim C as component2

    set C = selman.getselectedobject5(1)
    set C = selman.getselectedobjectsComponent(1)

    this threw an error saying the type didn't match.
    clear as mud?

    Any Ideas?

    Corey Scheich, Oct 20, 2004
  2. Further If I filter "COMPONENT" it selects the apropriate component but
    when I pass it to an explicitly defined variable of type Component2 it
    throws a type mis-match error there must be something wrong.

    Corey Scheich, Oct 20, 2004
  3. Corey-

    I've never used but the older version (Set objComponent =
    objSelection.GetComponent) works in a drawing document with a face selected.
    Haven't tried it with an edge. Here's the current version of the command:

    component = SelectionMgr.GetSelectedObjectsComponent2 ( atIndex )

    Hope this helps,

    -Jason S.
    Jason Swackhamer, Oct 21, 2004
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