API: LibraryFeature with more than one refernce (COM/C++)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Peter Hinsbach, Aug 6, 2003.

  1. Hi !

    If I use ModelDoc2->InsertLibraryFeature( libFeatPartNameIn ) in
    SolidWorks 2001plus with only one corresponding library feature
    reference which I selected before, the call works fine.

    If I use a library feature with more refernces (plane, sketch and edge
    point), which I selected before, the call works not successfully.

    By the way: A makro behaves itself in the same way.

    Any suggestions ?

    Many thanks in advance !

    Peter Hinsbach, Aug 6, 2003
  2. Hi Bob,

    I have the solution:

    Due to the required selection order of a library feature you have to
    use SetSelectedObjectMark to arrange the slected refernces for the
    InsertLibraryFeature call..

    Peter Hinsbach, Aug 8, 2003
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