API - how to get ShowChildComponentsInBOM

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John, Oct 7, 2003.

  1. John

    John Guest

    I have made a VBA program that lists properties for SW-files. I would also
    like to show the value of the check-box "don't show child component in BOM
    when used as a sub-assembly"

    I use the following code
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim Model As ModelDoc2
    Dim numConfigs As Long
    Dim Names As Variant

    Set swApp = CreateObject("sldWorks.application")
    Set Model = swApp.OpenDoc6(path & filename, swDocASSEMBLY,
    swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", lngErrors, lngWarnings)

    numConfigs = Model.GetConfigurationCount()
    Names = Model.GetConfigurationNames()
    For i = 0 To (numConfigs - 1)
    MsgBox ("Config #" + Str(i) + " is: " + Names(i))

    This lists the names of the different configurations - but I cant figure out
    how to access the field "ShowChildComponentsInBOM" I looked at API help -
    but it doesn't really help me on this one - so a specific example would be

    Any help?

    John, Oct 7, 2003
  2. use Configuration::ShowChildComponentsInBOM
    you must first obtain the configuration object through a call to
    clear enough ?
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Oct 7, 2003
  3. John

    John Guest

    Got it - it works. Thanks.

    Can I address the different configurations without using the name? Can I
    just step through them with like GetNextConfiguration...?

    John, Oct 7, 2003
  4. as you can see, the APIs to access the properties require the config names.
    There is a Configuration::Name method to obtain the name of a config.
    If you want to go trhough all configs, then ModelDoc2::GetConfigurationNames
    is the one.
    My 2 cents if you want to do some serious API development : spend a few
    hours reading ALL the apihelp. You can't memorize everything, but you'll
    remember what's in and what's not.
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Oct 8, 2003
  5. John

    rocheey Guest

    if you want to do some serious API development : spend a few
    Ive also found, if you're using early binding, that doing a search
    thru the object browser will turn up 'partial' hits for commands
    better than the search in the help.
    rocheey, Oct 8, 2003
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