API: how to find intersection between a surface and curves?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P?l, Aug 23, 2004.

  1. P?l

    P?l Guest


    I am trying to create a surface using Modeler.CreatePlanarSurface2()
    and the finding the intersection between this surface and a pair of
    spline curves using Surface.IntersectCurve(). The problem I am having
    is to get the coordinates correct. The sketches containing the splines
    are on different z levels and are translated using
    ModelDoc2.SketchModifyTranslate(), this means that the coordinate
    systems of the two sketches are diffenent from each other and also
    different from the model coordinate system. What happens when I try to
    create a surface in model coordinates and then try to intersect this
    surface with the curves (SketchSegment.GetCurve())?
    What approach should I use to get this correct?

    Best regards
    Pål Eilertsen
    P?l, Aug 23, 2004
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