API: Hide/show skecthes without highlighting?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by rocheey, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. rocheey

    rocheey Guest

    This seems straightforward enough: I wish to hide or show sketches,
    but the only way I see to do it is with the featuremanager. When
    selecting with the feature manager, the damn things get hightlighted.
    If Im trying to (subtly) make something disappear, I dont want it to
    turn a bright green,
    to catch the users eye, before it goes Bye-bye.

    The sketch is already hidden in the feature manager, so I dont have to
    worry about the dynamic highlighting as the mouse passes over it.

    Is there another way of hiding a sketch, or to (temporarily) turn off
    the highlighting when the hidden feature is selected?
    rocheey, Jul 14, 2004
  2. The only method I know of it to select and use Part.BlankSketch. You can
    use events to skip the redraws while selecting and blanking the sketch and
    then turn them back on.
    I believe this would be the code for it though I haven't used it myself

    Public WithEvents ThisModelView As ModelView

    Private Function ThisModelView_RepaintNotify(ByVal paintType As Long) As
    If StopRepaint = True Then
    ThisModelView_RepaintNotify = 1
    end if
    End Function


    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Jul 14, 2004
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